Farrah Abraham is done with the Teen Mom franchise after the drama that played out on Tuesday’s Teen Mom: Family Reunion. The former Teen Mom OG star, who first was fired from the MTV franchise in 2017, returned to the Family Reunion spinoff this week, where she got into a massive fight with Cheyenne Floyd, Cory Wharton and Ashley Jones after calling Wharton “ghetto.”
Amid the backlash she received online, Abraham took to her Twitter to fire back, calling herself “more educated then (sic) all of the teen moms PUT together” on the show. “I know why I get attacked in real life it’s from the denialnegativity I have to experience on [Teen Mom],” Abraham wrote. “For the record I’m more educated then all of the teen moms PUT together on this show.I don’t speak of anyones children that’s them & if your not a teen mom GET OFF.”
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She continued in another message shared to her Twitter and Instagram Story, “I will no longer have anything to do with [Teen Mom]. The disturbing environment does not belong in my future & what I see is evil, is abusive, has no ethics and is illegal and against the contract. I don’t want any of these people around my family.” Telling her former co-stars to enjoy their “hate pit of ignorance & power trip,” Abraham went on to declare that children shouldn’t be around parents who “lie, hate, and are abusive.”
“I wish all the Teen Mom children the best, they deserve far greater then (sic) what they have. It’s evident,” she concluded the note, whichย she captioned, “The world is tired of hate, attacks, abuse and non consent culture. Teen mom GOOD LUCK or what is this ‘Take Advantage of Teen Moms’ since it’s not teen moms anymore. These people are deplorable. This ship has sailed. Future teen mothers WATCH OUT & STAY STRONG!”
Prior to Abraham’s Family Reunion return, the cast told PopCulture.com she had made a “weird, awkward” entrance that only got worse. “Honestly when this whole idea came about, it was very made very clear that everybody was invited. If you were a part of this franchise, you’re invited. You’ve earned your spot, I guess,” Maci Bookout said, adding diplomatically, “She had a right to be there and she showed up and then more people showed up.”