'Alaskan Bush People' Bear Brown Accused of Drug Use, Verbally Abusing Ex-Fiancee Raiven Adams Following Protective Order

Just days before the arrival of their first child together, Raiven Adams is raising serious [...]

Just days before the arrival of their first child together, Raiven Adams is raising serious allegations against Bear Brown. The allegations were made in a recently-filed protective order in which Adams accuses the Alaskan Bush People star of drug use, a pattern of verbal abuse, brandishing a gun, and threatening to take their child from her.

Filed in Alaska and obtained by The Blast, Adams' handwritten declaration claims that the troubling behavior began after she moved to Loomis, Washington in August 2019.

"Shortly after dating Solomon I realized his behavior was abusive," Adams wrote. "…While dating I would bring up his eratic (sic) behavior (yelling, slamming things, preventing me from leaving rooms)."

Adams added that Brown threatened to "have Discovery bury" her with lawsuits if she didn't do what Brown her to do or say or if she "spoke out about his behavior," which he allegedly told her was a result of cocaine use.

"When expressing concerns of his drug use he would threaten to kick me out/withhold food, money. He would punish me by verbally abusing me or threatening to kick me out," she wrote.

Adams also checked "yes" when asked if a weapon was involved, explaining that Brown "would use it [a gun] as intimidation" and tell her "gun laws don't apply to him." She also alleges that Brown "pulls out his gun/goes to shoot when he is agitated."

In the documents, Adams claims that the abuse and Brown's troubling behavior only grew worse once they discovered that they were expecting their first child together. Along with becoming even more controlling and verbally abusive, Brown at times threatening punishment if she didn't "do as he said," the Discovery Channel star also allegedly threatened to "try to take our son from me" if she left the relationship. She also accuses Brown of intentionally causing a propane leak when she slept.

"I fell asleep on two occasions shorty [sic] before seperating (sic) permanently," she alleges. "Both times I woke up to propane left on in our trailer. When I expressed my concerns he laughed as if was a joke."

As a result of the threat against her child's life, Adams has also requested that the protective order extend to her unborn child, who is due in April, to protect them "from violent behavior / source of control / putting the baby in harms way."

She has also requested that a judge order Brown to enroll in a "Program for the rehabilitation of batterers" and "Treatment for substance abuse."

Adams had filed the protective order on Monday, Feb. 10. A judge soon granted it, though it only extends for 20 days and is set to expire on March 1. She and Brown are scheduled to appear in court later this month.