Chrissy Teigen Accidentally Reveals Gender of Her and John Legend's Third Baby

Chrissy Teigen made a slight boo-boo on Thursday after accidentally revealing the sex of her baby [...]

Chrissy Teigen made a slight boo-boo on Thursday after accidentally revealing the sex of her baby to her Instagram followers. According to E! News, fans who checked in were likely expecting some new looks at the former model's life while pregnant but ended up getting information that wasn't meant to go public just yet.

"I wanted to update you," Teigen said to fans via her Instagram Story. "My placenta sucks. It's always been kind of the bad part of my pregnancies with Luna. With Miles, it just stopped feeding him, it stopped taking care of him. I was stealing all his food because I was getting huge but he wasn't getting big at all. He had to come out early and Luna had to come out early. I was induced both times. Anyways, it's super weak. The baby is really, really healthy and he is big!"

After letting that closing bomb drop, Teigen seemed to attempt to reverse course upon realizing she had spoken too much. Teigen covered her mouth and called herself stupid before continuing.

"Anyway, so yeah its growing beautifully. Everything is good, I'm feeling good but my placenta is really, really weak and its causing me to really bleed a lot," Teigen said. The news comes as the pregnant influencer and wife to Grammy award winner John Legend remains on a two-week-long bed rest according to E! News.

"I am on complete and total don't get out except to pee pee bed rest," Teigen said. "I just wanted to share that because I tell you guys everything and it's such a bummer because I had to cancel so much work and I was really excited to talk to so many different people and do these events because it would start to feel like normal life again but the timing is just s— and I apologize. I'm sorry. But I have to make baby okay."

Teigen and Legend confirmed the birth in the singer's music video for "Wild." The video's final shot had Teigen holding her fresh baby bump and Legend standing behind her in an embrace. Since then, Teigen has done her best to share her experience for other pregnant moms out there. Along with her accidental reveal, Teigen also urged other pregnant mothers to reach out to their doctors if facing a similar situation. She was also thankful for donuts amid growing pregnancy cravings.