All across the country (and in many other parts of the world), protests continue to take place in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the many other African American citizens who have lost their lives at the hands of the police. While some have criticized the protests (specifically, the fact that some have led to rioting and looting), on Saturday, Utah Senator Mitt Romney took to Twitter to write a message that touched upon the recent unrest in this country. However, the reactions to his post weren’t exactly all positive in nature.
On Saturday, Romney posted a photo of his father, George Romney, participating in a Civil Rights march in the 1960s. He then included a quote from his father that expressed that force will not “eliminate riots” and that the issue at hand needs to be addressed before change can take place. Not only is this a big statement regarding these anti-racism protests, but it also ties back to what President Donald Trump said recently regarding quelling any riots that take place in the country. (The president previously said that he would use the military to break up any demonstrations if governors are not able to take control of them.)
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This is my father, George Romney, participating in a Civil Rights march in the Detroit suburbs during the late 1960s—“Force alone will not eliminate riots,” he said. “We must eliminate the problems from which they stem.”
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) June 6, 2020
Many users noted that this was a big statement coming from Romney, given that he is a major figurehead in the Republican party. However, there were just as many individuals on Twitter who related that Romney’s tweet seemed like an empty gesture due to his very connection to the Republican party and Trump, himself.
Tracking the rise and fall of the GOP via the generations of Romney would be an interesting gig. From your dad, who marched in civil rights demonstrations, to you—barely able to condemn the racist in the White House, in spite of your $$ and a safe seat. To your vile niece.
— Soledad O’Brien (@soledadobrien) June 6, 2020
Posed With Trump
This you?
— Eric Haywood (@EricHaywood) June 6, 2020
A Possible “Hero”
THIS IS WHY YOU SEE THROUGH TRUMP’S BS. We basically agree on literally nothing but man, we need a hero and maybe it’s you.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) June 7, 2020
Take Action
If only you were in a position to do something about that 🙃
— Nelson Flores (@nelsonlflores) June 7, 2020
Speed Bump
Mitt Romney is the only speed bump on the GOP’s expressway to hell.
— Francis Wilkinson (@fdwilkinson) June 6, 2020
Actually Agreeing
Can’t believe I’m actually retweeting Mitt Romney.
— Paul the other one, it’s got bells on it. (@paulcshipley) June 7, 2020
Standing Alone
Thanks Mitt….
— time2think2020 (@thinkingtime55) June 6, 2020
it is better to stand alone and be right than
huddle with the crowd in cowardice and be wrong.
When we rake over the ashes of @GOP you may be all that remains.