
‘Glass Onion’: ‘Knives Out 2’ Getting Theatrical Release Along With Netflix Premiere


Netflix and filmmaker Rian Johnson have struck a deal with the major theater chains in the U.S. to give Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery the widest-ever theatrical release for a Netflix movie. The film, featuring Daniel Craig as Det. Benoit Blanc, will screen at AMC, Regal, and Cinemark locations across the country for just one week, from Nov. 23 to Nov. 29. Glass Onion will be available to stream on Netflix on Dec. 23.

“I’m over the moon that Netflix has worked with AMC, Regal, and Cinemark to get Glass Onion in theaters for this one-of-a-kind sneak preview,” Johnson said in a statement Thursday. “These movies are made to thrill audiences, and I can’t wait to feel the energy of the crowd as they experience Glass Onion. Between this and the release on Netflix in December, I’m excited that audiences around the world will be able to enjoy the film!”

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Netflix will also screen the film in additional select theaters in the U.S. Moviegoers in Canada, the U.K., Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain, Israel, Australia, and New Zealand will also get the opportunity to see the film in theaters. U.S. tickets will go on sale Monday, Oct. 10 at

“We’re excited to offer fans an exclusive sneak preview of Rian’s incredible film,” Scott Stuber, head of Global Film at Netflix, added. “Given the excitement surrounding the premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, we hope fans will enjoy this special theatrical event in celebration of the film’s global debut on Netflix in December.”

Although this is exciting news, Glass Onion‘s theatrical release is still limited. Unless something changes, Glass Onion will only be available in theaters during one of the busiest times of the year. Disney’s Strange World, Sony’s Devotion, Steven Spielberg’s The Fabelmans, and Luca Guadaginino’s Bones and All are all set to open during Thanksgiving weekend. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will also still be in theaters, as it opens on Nov. 11. Netflix said the Glass Onion theatrical release only includes 600 theaters in the U.S. and worldwide.

The streamer is also sitting on a chance to have a genuine blockbuster on its resume. The first Knives Out movie was a surprising smash hit for Lionsgate in November 2019, grossing $165.3 million domestically. Considering that Glass Onion earned just as good reviews following its Toronto International Film Festival premiere as Knives Out did, Glass Onion has a real shot at being a big hit if Netflix gives it a wider release. Knives Out also scored Johnson an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay.

Glass Onion stars Craig as Benoit Blanc, who solves a new mystery at a lavish private estate on a Greek island. His supporting cast is as star-studded as it was in Knives Out. Edward Norton, Janelle Monáe, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Jessica Henwick, Madelyn Cline with Kate Hudson, and Dave Bautista star in the film. Johnson wrote and directed the new movie, and produced it with Ram Bergman.