Scott Steiner Receives Well Wishes From Hulk Hogan Amid Hospitalization

Scott Steiner is currently hospitalized after a reported collapse during an IMPACT Wrestling [...]

Scott Steiner is currently hospitalized after a reported collapse during an IMPACT Wrestling taping, and he's getting support from an unexpected peer: Hulk Hogan. Hogan and Steiner have not always seen eye-to-eye over the years, but it seems Hogan is burying the hatchet to wish the fellow WWE, WCW and IMPACT legend all the best. In a tweet posted on Saturday morning, The Hulkster hoped that Big Poppa Pump is soon returned to "perfect health."

Steiner's condition is said to be stable, with fellow wrestler Tommy Dreamer saying that the one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and two-time WWF Tag Team Champion is "doing well." Dreamer, IMPACT wrestler Joey Ryan and IMPACT's executive vice president, Scott D'Amore were at the hospital late Friday night with Steiner, D'Amore Shared a similar update to Dreamer's.

"For all concerned parties [Scott Steiner] is OK," D'Amore wrote. "His family is grateful for everybody's concern and support."

No other updates on Steiner's condition have surfaced, but things were allegedly dire before he stabilized.

As far as Steiner's relationship with Hogan, the wrestling world had presumed they were still not on great terms.

In April 2015, Hogan's wife Jennifer claimed that Steiner recently approached her in an airport ahead of that year's WrestleMania, which was held in San Jose, California. Per TMZ, Steiner alleged confronted Jennifer and claimed he was going to "kill Terry," referring to Hogan's real name of Terry Gene Bollea. Jennifer became frightened, especially since she did not know Steiner. She contacted Hogan and police, who then investigated.

Steiner denied any wrongdoing at the time, claiming he made no physical contact with Jennifer and simply confronted her about Hogan inducting "Macho Man" Randy Savage into the WWE Hall of Fame.

"Typical Hogan. He's just a punk," Steiner told TMZ about the situation, adding, ""I'm not going to dignify [Hogan's] lies ... I didn't put my hands on her. ... I told her Hulk introducing 'Macho Man' into the Hall of Fame is bulls—... He hated him. Everyone knew that."

He concluded, "It's not my fault Hulk Hogan is afraid of me."

Neither Steiner nor his family have issued a statement on his health as of press time.