
Vanessa Lachey Called out for Pressuring ‘Love Is Blind’ Contestants to Have Kids


Love Is Blind fans continue to take Vanessa Lachey to task for how she handled the Season 4 reunion. More specifically, Vanessa has been called out for pressing the couples on when they were going to have children. Judging from the response from viewers, her line of questioning didn’t feel right. 

The reunion for Season 4 of Love Is Blind got off to a rocky start when the supposedly live event was delayed by over an hour. Once it got underway, fans couldn’t help but cringe at Vanessa’s hosting skills. Not only did they criticize her apparent bias when questioning certain contestants, but they also took issue with how many times she asked the couples when they were going to have kids. They felt as though it was an inappropriate question to ask and particularly problematic for Vanessa to ask as many times as she did. 

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Love Is Blind fans flocked to Twitter to share their opinions on the disastrous reunion event. Many specifically aimed their criticism toward Vanessa for her baby-centric line of questioning. 


Fans couldn’t believe how many times Vanessa asked the contestants when they were going to have kids. It felt invasive. 


This fan pointed out why Vanessa’s baby questions didn’t feel right. You never know what the couples are dealing with. 


Mentioning babies once maybe would have sufficed. But, Vanessa kept the line of questioning going throughout the reunion.


Vanessa insisted on asking all of the married couples when they were going to have kids. As some fans pointed out, it felt “inappropriate.”

Come On

Many viewers felt the same way about Vanessa’s questions. She wasn’t exactly gaining many fans during this reunion. 


It didn’t sit right with some that Vanessa brought the subject up so many times during the reunion. Enough already. 

Replace Them

After the reunion, many have said that they want Vanessa and her husband, Nick Lachey, to be fired as hosts. Some have suggested that they could bring in Season 1 favorites Cameron and Lauren to host instead