Kate Gosselin Slammed With Theft Accusations from Ex Jon Gosselin

Jon Gosselin is accusing ex-wife Kate Gosselin of stealing more than $100,000 from a trust fund belonging to their children, according to court documents and an interview with the Jon & Kate Plus 8 alum published Thursday by The Sun. Kate does admit in court documents obtained by the publication to having "borrowed" money from the trust fund in 2019 for living costs, but Jon says she's never paid the money back, which he called "disgusting" and "morally wrong."

Jon says he noticed a large amount of money seemed to be missing from kids Hannah and Colin's trust accounts when he gained custody of them in 2018. The trust fund was originally set up to keep the TLC child stars' earnings protected until they turned 18, which the sextuplets did in May. In 2019, Kate admitted in court that she withdrew $50,000 two times from the trust, reportedly saying, "I will have to keep borrowing from it to survive" and claiming the assets were being used to "meet her and the children's expenses."

Kate also stated in court that she had borrowed money from a corporation she jointly owned with the kids to furnishing the new $750,000 lakeside home in North Carolina she had purchased that same year. In his ruling, the judge said that Kate should make plans to repay the loans, saying that "if these truly were loans there should be evidence of repayments sometime in the future." The judge continued that "the evidence does not support mother's argument that her earning capacity is zero."

Kate reportedly filed a counter-claim later that same year, saying the court had errored when it found she had failed to produce documentation to support her lack of income, but that claim was dismissed in November 2019. Kate's lawyer declined to comment to The Sun when asked about the claims. Jon alleges that now, nearly three years later, his ex never has paid any money back to the children, based on the accounts he now has for Hannah and Colin.

"It's disgusting and it's morally wrong," he told the publication. "Parents are not supposed to withdraw any money from these accounts without permission and without drawing up paperwork that they will pay it back – but she has produced no paperwork and no payments have been made." He continued, "It makes me feel disgusted. She has been on TV telling the world she has saved her children's money when she's actually been stealing from them – she's a hypocrite. ... Now they're 18 she thinks she can get away scot-free."