Michael Jackson's Son Blanket Resurfaces, Appears on Morning Show

Bigi Jackson, the youngest son of Michael Jackson, made a rare on-camera appearance during Monday's Good Morning Britain broadcast, guiding one of the show's hosts through a room filled with family memorabilia. The 19-year-old, who was previously known as Blanket and was born Prince Michael Jackson II, spoke out on climate change and his father's legacy before his older brother Prince Jackson hosted his annual Thriller Night Halloween party at the Jacksons' Hayvenhurst estate. The event was a benefit for the Heal Los Angeles Foundation, which aims to raise the quality of life for the city's youth.

During his appearance, Bigi said it was important for anyone his age to care about climate change. "I do think it's important that we all know about it," Bigi, whose father was also an environmentalist, said, reports the New York Post. "And I think we have some work to do, but our generation knows how important it is."

While walking through the room of his father's memorabilia, Bigi acknowledged the musical history that surrounds him and his family at the Hayvenhurst estate. "There's a lot of history in this house and the studio here," he said. "That's what he was all about. That's what each of us wants to do: make things that people can enjoy and hopefully benefit their lives."

Bigi was only 7 when Jackson died in June 2009 from a cardiac arrest after his doctor gave him a lethal mix of drugs. The "Thriller" singer was 50. Bigi's mother was a surrogate whose identity has never been revealed. He has two older siblings, Prince, 24, and Paris Jackson, 23, whose mother was Jackson's second wife, Debbie Rowe. While Paris has carved out a career as a singer and actress, her brothers have been shyer of the spotlight, particularly Bigi.

Prince has been doing more public interviews though. He recently told Fox Soul's The Mix that Halloween is one of his family's favorite holidays because it offered a chance to wear masks in public and avoid being followed by the media. "Halloween is such an awesome holiday for me because when we were growing up, obviously, we wore masks to conceal our identity, but Halloween is one of those few holidays where it's normal for everybody to wear a mask, that one day of the year where we got to go out with my dad to some family friends' houses and do some kind of trick-or-treating a little bit and do kind of a normal celebration of Halloween," Prince said, reports Today.