WWE Releases NXT's Sawyer Fulton

WWE is parting ways with NXT talent, Sawyer Fulton. The 27-year old, grappler joined WWE in 2012 [...]

WWE is parting ways with NXT talent, Sawyer Fulton. The 27-year old, grappler joined WWE in 2012 and was an original member of the popular NXT group, Sanity.

An injury last fall forced him out of the faction just as it gained momentum and when it was time for him to return he had been replaced by Killian Dain.

Fulton, real name Jacob Southwick posted relayed the news on Twitter:

"This has been an absolutely amazing time in WWE. After my injury, I worked as hard as possible to come back, and it just happened to not work out. However, I'm not ashamed of being released by any means, I held nothing back and at the end of the day I'm happy to leave with my head held high," he wrote.

Southwick did return from injury but never made it back to NXT television. Even though he's leaving the company, he seems confident he and WWE will cross paths again in the future.

"Honestly I can not wait to start down this new path, and travel, and wrestle in front of new crowds," Fulton continued. "WWE, NXT thank you for everything you have done for me, and we will see each other again soon. And for all my brothers in the back, I'm sure we will make another town together in the future. I love You all. See you soon!"

His departure marks the fourth released made by WWE this week. On Sunday Summer Rae, Darren Young, and Emma all were given their walking papers in what looked like the beginning of a mass exodus. The hysteria has calmed since, but perhaps another round of wrestlers will be shown the door in the near future.

We will keep you updated on any developing stories.