Triple H Discusses NXT Stars Struggling in WWE

NXT is WWE's most unrecognized accomplishment. Despite starting as a developmental program, NXT is [...]

NXT is WWE's most unrecognized accomplishment. Despite starting as a developmental program, NXT is its own promotion in 2018. However, despite its rampant success, its stars all too often fall flat on the main roster.

As NXT's patriarch, Triple H is well aware that many of his creations don't translate on bigger stages. He discussed the issue with Wrestling Inc.

"I think that comes down to anything right? You try to prep them, you try to give them the tools, you try to give them everything you can so they can succeed on the main roster. But the truth is if you believe that everyone who gets called up will become 'the guy' or 'the girl' or the next big thing it's kind of an unrealistic expectation, he said.

NXT debuts in WWE are always exciting. But we're all guilty of assigning our own expectations to the new arrivals. And these hopes typically end in the bitter realization that most NXT call-ups will never be a WWE Champion.

"Not everybody is gonna be 'the guy' and not everybody's gonna be 'the girl' not everybody is gonna be the champ and it's not about, 'well they should get their turn that's just the funniest thing of all time it's like saying you should get a participation medal. That isn't it at all."

While the results are predetermined wrestling is still a highly competitive world. It would be great the likes of Bo Dallas, Bayley, or The Ascension could become the main eventers in WWE, but not everyone can be so lucky. For Triple H, success is subjective to each career.

To me, making it to the WWE is the 'wow.' Being successful, making it to the main roster you know making it to these TakeOvers, 'wow.' Making it to the main roster, 'wow' and being there for a long period of time. Successfully doing it, not getting injured, making money for your family taking care of your family for generations like all that is 'wow' and phenomenal and that is success."

It's become easy to label NXT stars busts, but in reality, that's an oversimplification. Tyler Breeze was never supposed to be Universal Champion. Nor was Becky lynch ever supposed to be a bigger star than Charlotte Flair. This concept is ubiquitous in sports. Each player has their role, and not everyone can be the face of the franchise.

So next time you want to curse WWE for ruining an NXT call-up, think about the circumstance at hand. How often is an MLB rookie asked to carry a team? It only happens by accident. But for as many midcarders NXT may produce, they still churn out main event stars. But like anything good, stardom in WWE takes patience.