Brock Lesnar F-5's Roman Reigns onto Stairs to Open RAW

Roman Reigns showed up for a second helping of punishment at the hands of Brock Lesnar to open [...]

Roman Reigns showed up for a second helping of punishment at the hands of Brock Lesnar to open RAW, and unfortunately for the Big Dog, Lesnar was feeling generous.

Lesnar and Paul Heyman kicked off RAW with a hero's welcome from the Cleveland crowd. During Heyman's sing-along promo, he announced that both Roman Reigns' suspension had been lifted and that he wasn't present for the show.

Well, just a few moments later, Roman emerged from the crowd.

Reigns' sneak attacked backfired almost immediately. And after yet another barrage of chair shots, Lesnar F-5'ed Reigns onto a set of stairs.

At this point, Lesnar demolishing Reigns is hardly news, but what was noteworthy was Cleveland's royal treatment of the Universal Champion.

WWE has made a herculean effort to have Lesnar play the villain in his WrestleMania storyline with Reigns. Using his expiring contract, UFC ambitions, and patented aloofness, WWE has painted Lesnar as someone who plainly doesn't want to wrestle anymore. On the other side of that coin, Reigns has been positioned as a people's champion of sorts—one who will always be there.

But that psychology has been abandoned for the age-old formula of Good Guy + Obstacles = Story.

That's all well and good, but this is a tale we've seen before. Even more, this is something Roman Reigns has already done. But even though WWE ha traded a complex story for a simple one, Lesnar dismantling Reigns has been an intriguing watch. Lesnar is at his best when he is unleashed upon prey, and sadly fro Roman, he's been nothing more than a sacrifice for two weeks now.

However, we all know Roman will get his moment, but now the question begs; do we want it?