Disney+ is preparing to expand its selection of Marvel shows with the upcoming arrival of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, debuting a trailer for the series during Super Bowl LV on Sunday night. The 2-minute spot was a hit with fans, earning 125M views from its spot and trailer traffic combined in the 24 hours following the game, according to Deadline.
That number is a new record for a streaming series trailer and also breaks several other trailer viewing records including last year’s Black Widow Super Bowl trailer, which earned 119 million views in its first 24 hours, as well as WandaVision‘s 53 million views in the 24 hours after it aired during the 2020 Primetime Emmy Awards. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier also bested spots for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and Captain Marvel. According to EDO, the series’ trailer also generated six times more search than that of Sunday’s average Super Bowl commercial, a notable achievement considering the Top 10 spots are usually held by brand commercials.
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier premieres on Disney+ on March 19 and will consist of six episodes. Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan reprise their respective roles as Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and team up to fight multiple villains including the returning Baron Zemo (Daniel Brรผhl), Flag-Smasher (Erin Kellyman) and John Walker (Wyatt Russell). Along with a number of action shots, including the return of Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), the trailer opens and closes with Wilson and Barnes attending couples therapy together.
The limited series takes place after the events of 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, after Steve Rodgers (Chris Evans) relinquished his role as Captain America to Wilson, who reluctantly teams up with Barnes’ Winter Soldier to save the world. The show was originally planned for release in 2020 but was delayed after production was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Disney+ has several additional Marvel shows on the way including Loki, the animated series What Ifโฆ?, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and Hawkeye.