The end of The Conners is upon us, and according to Laurie Metcalf, it’s not as satisfying as fans would hope.
While fans will be saying goodbye to the beloved family after 37 years, Metcalf, who has played Jackie Harris since the beginning of Roseanne, told PEOPLE that there will be some loose ends.
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“There’s a lot to wrap up, and I think the writers are really working hard to get everybody’s storylines sort of… not completed,” Metcalf said. “It’s not going to have a big bow tied up with the Conners. And it will remain true to their storyline, what happens to them in the final episode. But, it’s a very short amount of time to wrap up this many seasons of a family that’s covered decades.”

When it was announced that The Conners would be ending after its seventh season, it was also revealed that there would only be six episodes to wrap everything up. It’s unknown why ABC only gave the series six episodes, given the fact that this is nearly 40 years in the making, but it sounds like it’s not going to be easy to give every family member the closure they deserve. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be closure. It could mean that there will still be some open-ended questions that will make fans want more.
At the very least, The Conners is certainly going big with these final episodes. The show has cast some new faces, including Seth Green, who will be playing Sara Gilbert’s love interest. Metcalf will also be joined by her daughter, Zoe Perry, who will play a cop who gives Jackie a hard time as she considers rejoining the force.
The Conners had its final season premiere on Wednesday, meaning there are just five episodes left. It’s hard to tell how the show will come to an end and what could still be left up in the air. That being said, perhaps this won’t entirely be the end. It’s always possible there could be another spinoff in the future. In the meantime, fans will want to continue to prepare to say goodbye to the Conners because there’s no way of knowing how and if their stories will conclude. The final episodes of The Conners air on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC, streaming the next day on Hulu.