Donald Trump Fires off New Coronavirus Tweet, Calls It 'a Hidden Enemy'

03/18/2020 12:20 am EDT

In the midst of the deadly COVID-19 outbreak, panic has broken out around the world after learning the virus is not only highly contagious but spreads quickly. Although it took a few weeks for it to hit the U.S., now that it has, states across the board have gone into a widespread panic causing citizens to flood grocery stores and hospitals buying up bulks amounts of food and requesting coronavirus testing.

However, President Donald Trump is reassuring the people "we will win" and also referred to the virus as the "hidden enemy." Followers of the President reached out to share their approval for the way he's handled the situation, with one saying, "Thank you for your phenomenal leadership, Mr. President! WE WILL WIN!"

"The American people have complete confidence in your ability to meet the challenge! We are with you President Trump!" someone else wrote.

"I feel more confident than ever that we will defeat the coronavirus under President Trump's fearless leadership. Who is with me?!" another one wrote.

However, not everyone approves of the President's actions. There were many who vented their disapproval.

Over the weekend, Trump declared a national emergency after evaluating where the U.S. was at case-wise in comparison to other countries. This allowed him to unlock $50 billion dollars in reserved funds to go towards relief efforts and testings.

"To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort today, I am officially declaring a national emergency," he announced Friday March 13. "Two very big words. The action I am taking will open up access to $50 billion... for states and territories and localities in our shared fight against this disease."

Since then, the U.S. has been able to get their hands on more tests for those who think they may have the virus. In the meantime, every state is taking their own necessary precautions in efforts of slowing the spreading of the coronavirus. Thousands of bars and restaurants are either closing or limiting their access allowing customers to retrieve food in a drive-thru style manner in order to keep social distancing.

Amazon recently announce they would be limiting their shipping as well to essential items only, including household items, medical supplies, groceries, beauty care and pet food. This will remain in place until April 5 or unless otherwise specified.

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