Colin Kaepernick to Publish Controversial New Book Targeting the Police

Colin Kaepernick is set to speak out against the police again. The former NFL quarterback is [...]

Colin Kaepernick is set to speak out against the police again. The former NFL quarterback is getting ready to publish a book that will target the police. The book, which is titled Abolition for the People: The Movement for a Future Without Policing & Prisons, will be released on October 12 and will have over 30 essays. Kaepernick is listed as an editor of the book but will also write an essay.

"Today, I'm excited to share that we at [Kaepernick Publishing] will be releasing our first title, ABOLITION FOR THE PEOPLE: THE MOVEMENT FOR A FUTURE WITHOUT POLICING & PRISONS, on 10/12/21," Kaepernick wrote on Twitter Tuesday. "This anthology builds on decades of organizing and writing against policing & prisons & features the work of over 30 contributors plus a reader's guide, infographics, & cover art by Emory Douglas. I'm proud to have edited this collection & hope it adds to the chorus of voices calling for a world without & beyond policing & prisons."

Kaepernick has been a social activist ever since he began protesting during the national anthem where he was a member of the San Francisco 49ers in 2016. After the 2016 season, Kaepernick opted out of his contract and has been a free agent ever since. Over the last five years, Kaepernick has focused on other projects including launching a publishing company in 2019. In October, Kaepernick wrote an essay that focuses on the abolishment of police.

"The ever-present threat of premature death at the hands, knees, chokeholds, tasers, and guns of law enforcement has only further engrained its anti-Black foundation into the institutions of policing," Kaepernick wrote. "In order to eradicate anti-Blackness, we must also abolish the police. The abolition of one without the other is impossible."

Later in the essay, Kaepernick wrote: "There's a lot of things that need to change. "One specifically is police brutality. There's people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. Cops are getting paid leave for killing people. That's not right. That's not right by anyone's standards."