Auditor: Brett Favre Received $1.1 Million for Events He Never Attended

Brett Favre was allegedly paid $1.1 million by a nonprofit group involved in an alleged [...]

Brett Favre was allegedly paid $1.1 million by a nonprofit group involved in an alleged embezzlement scheme for misusing money. The NFL Hall of Fame quarterback was paid the money to speak at events, but according to Mississippi's state auditor, Favre never showed up to the events. Per CBS Sports, State Auditor Shad White announced $94 million worth of questionable spending from the Mississippi Department of Human Services (DHS). Instead of the funds going to people in need, it was used for other events.

It was reported Favre, who lives in Mississippi, was paid twice by the Mississippi Community Education Center. The first payment was $500,000 in December 2017, and the second payment was $600,000 in June 2018. Favre was scheduled to appear and speak at multiple events, but the report stated: "upon a cursory review of those dates, auditors were able to determine that the individual contracted did not speak nor was he present for those events." The good news for the former Green Bay Packers quarterback is that he does not face any criminal charges.

"If there was a way to misspend money, it seems DHS leadership or their grantees thought of it and tried it," White said, adding the audit "shows the most egregious misspending my staff have seen in their careers." Favre has not made a public statement about the incident.

It's likely Favre won't say much about the nonprofit group, but he has been keeping busy with radio and TV appearances. In April, the Packers drafted quarterback Jordan Love in the first round, and many people speculated that Aaron Rodgers' time in Green Bay is up. Favre knows what Rodgers is going through, but he also believes that he won't finish his career with the Packers because of the team's bold move.

"I think he'll play somewhere else," Favre said on Rich Eisen's radio show. "It's not uncommon to retire and unretire now. When I did it, it was out of the realm, now it's fairly common not just in football, but in all sports. Tom Brady, myself, Joe Montana and Peyton Manning, just to name a few, finished their career elsewhere. In my case, I played with four different teams. You're going to see that trend more and more. And I think Aaron will finish somewhere else."