10 Ways To Rekindle the Romance Outside This Summer

No more ordering takeout and binge-watching Netflix. Ladies, it's time to spice things up this [...]

No more ordering takeout and binge-watching Netflix. Ladies, it's time to spice things up this summer! We know that the long days at the pool or at work can take a toll on you, especially when you've got to ward off the humidity, but that's no reason to let the romance wane between you and your significant other. Next time you find yourself falling into a slump, check out these hot dates that will help get you off your butts and reignite your passion!

>>Read More: Summer of Sexy: How to Get Your Sexy Back This Summer

couple kissing car

Splurge on a convertible for the day: Looking for a thrill to shake up your drowsy afternoon? Why not rent that convertible your husband has been secretly eyeing and take it for a spin? A little speed and the wind whipping through your hair will give you that adrenaline rush you both need to rekindle your romance!

Explore a local festival: Summer is all about celebration, so join in the fun and check out one of the numerous music, food, art, or cultural festivals that are probably swamping your hometown! Nothing sets the mood more than some zesty, mouthwatering barbecue and a moonlit ferris wheel ride.

See a movie at the drive-in: Avoid those drab movie-and-dinner dates and hit up a drive-in instead are a perfect way to reconnect with your inner adolescence. What better way to reconnect with your partner than by cuddling up (or fooling around) under the stars? Want a little more seclusion? You can set up a projector in the backyard or snag the laptop from the kids and sneak out to the treehouse for some time alone.

>>Read More: Afternoon Delight: Spicing It Up During the Day

couple holding hands

Enjoy a rooftop meal or happy hour: Next time mom and pop are in town to see the kids, take a couple hours to try out that new rooftop restaurant your friends have been raving about. If you're looking for a cheaper option, ditch the menus, grab a bottle of your favorite wine, and find yourselves an isolated rooftop — even if it is on your own house!

Go mini-golfing... without the kiddos: You may think your hubby spends plenty of time at the golf course already, but chances are he is dying to show off his skills for his woman! We all know you're the real pro anyway. Plus, a little friendly competition can really make those sparks fly.

Participate in The Color Run: The Color Run is known as the Happiest 5K on the planet, so give us one good reason why you and your significant other shouldn't join in the fun and celebrate your active relationship? Plus, you'd be surprised just how sexy a little advantageous paint-splattering can be when it comes to heating things up! You can also check out more national races by clicking here.

Take a hot air balloon ride: Sometimes the best way to get out of a slump is to gain some new perspective, and what better way to do that than to get out of your heads and off the ground? A hot air balloon ride will give you and your partner a chance to bond through mutual euphoria (and maybe a little bit of terror) for a date that is sure to ignite the passion.

couple kayaking

Rent a kayak or canoe: Hitting up your local kayak or canoe rental place for a lazy summer paddle down the river will give you and your significant other the perfect opportunity to get away from the stress of everyday life and reconnect with each other through nature. For our favorite summer picnic options, click here.

>>Read More: 8 Healthy Summer Date Ideas

Volunteer at a local animal shelter: Looking for the perfect way to get out of your summer slump? What about spending an afternoon with an adoring pooch who is eager to win over you and your partner's hearts? Volunteering with animals is a great way to stay active, spend some alone time with your hubby, and give back to your community!

Revisit a place from your past: Recreate your first date or dance, share milkshakes at that old diner you used to frequent as teenagers, or head over to that isolated corner of the woods where you used to... talk about what you wanted to be when you grew up, and spend some time remembering why you fell in love in the first place!

There's no reason you should let all the activities of summer stand in the way of rekindling your romance! Need more excuses for a date night? Check out these 10 Ways Romance Does a Body Good!