'Teen Mom OG' Dad Gary Shirley Says His Mother Has Coronavirus

Teen Mom dad Gary Shirley has revealed that his Mom has contracted coronavirus. Taking to [...]

Teen Mom dad Gary Shirley has revealed that his Mom has contracted coronavirus. Taking to Instagram, Shirley posted a photo of his mother and shared the news in the post's caption. "This Mother's Day is a little hard because my mother is very sick," he wrote. "A week ago she was diagnosed with Covid-19."

Shirley continued: "Her line of work put her at a higher risk since she was working in activities and house keeping at an assisted living facility. My wife and I have been trying to help by dropping off food (curbside) so she could focus on getting rest. We haven't hugged her in about 3 months & we haven't had her over inside our home for about 3 months. This has been extremely hard for all of us. Our youngest daughter has an immunodeficiency disorder where she gets sick so easily so we have stayed home and took this quarantine very seriously."

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The reality TV star added, "We have had to go to [the] store a few times (kid free of course) however, I knew my mother would be exposed at some point due to her job which was very worrisome itself. Now, with a confirmed case of Covid-19 we are worried more and limited on what we can do to help. She has good days and of course bad days like today."

"Her and Jody live together and I knew it would only be a matter of time before he would get it, and of course... I believe he has it now," he also shared. "He has the symptoms, but hasn't had the test yet. So I will be dropping off breakfast in the morning on the porch and wishing her a Happy Mother's Day while praying for her. All prayers are welcomed and much appreciated," Finally, Shirley ended his message by writing, "Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers and a BIG Happy Mother's Day to my amazing wife."

Shirley has since been getting a lot of support from his fans and followers, with one writing back to him, "Oh my goodness so sorry to hear this. You guys are amazing people-such good examples to the rest of the world. Praying for your whole family to stay healthy and make a full recovery. Your parents are lucky to have you guys."