'Chrisley Knows Best': Todd Chrisley Struggles to Teach Granddaughter Chloe About Death After Fish Fiasco

A spur-of-the-moment fish adoption turned into Todd Chrisley's nightmare as the Chrisley Knows [...]

A spur-of-the-moment fish adoption turned into Todd Chrisley's nightmare as the Chrisley Knows Best star was tasked with teaching his granddaughter Chloe about death.

In Tuesday's all-new episode of the USA Network series, Todd admitted to having "zero willpower" when it came to resisting the 6-year-old's desire to get a pet fish.

"When she asks me for something, I'm a goner," he confessed to daughter Savannah, who fired back, "No, you're going to be a goner if you bring another living creature in this house and Mama sees it."

Arguing it would teach the little girl responsibility, Todd brought home Bones the betta fish to an unhappy wife, Julie, who figured the new pet would fall under their responsibility sooner rather than later.

"Julie, I promise you, you're not going to have to lift a finger," he reassured her. "And besides, a fish doesn't require that much."

"I'm not trying to start an argument here," she quipped, "but you can't even remember to feed yourself or your kids."

Just a few days later, Julie was less-than-shocked to see Bones had turned into "floating bones" after Todd fed him too much. While Todd advocated for getting another fish and pretending nothing had gone wrong, Julie insisted he use the tragedy as a learning opportunity for Chloe.

"This is a tricky conversation," she warned him. "You're going to have to have it with her. You're going to have to talk to Chloe, a 6-year-old, about death."

While Todd sloughed off the task as "easy," when pressed, he initially told Chloe Bones was "longing to go back to his family" and had gone off to be in a "better pond somewhere else" before being pressed to get real about the fish's death.

With Chloe feeling "sad" about the loss of her first pet, Todd went into overdrive trying to make things better, telling her the family would throw a "celebrating of life" for Bones.

After a full funeral, including tiny fish casket and appropriate mourning attire, Julie had to admit that things had gone better than she thought when she first saw Bones floating.

"I do think this was actually a good experience for Chloe," she admitted. "She did understand that we have to appreciate those who have gone on, and then we move onto something else."

Todd added cheekily, "Maybe a puppy."

Chrisley Knows Best airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on USA.

Photo credit: USA