
T-Rex Steals Jet Ski And Does Crazy Stunt Tricks

A Tyrannosaurs Rex recently stole a Jet Ski and decided to do some stunts. Needless to say, it’s […]

A Tyrannosaurs Rex recently stole a Jet Ski and decided to do some stunts. Needless to say, it’s the best thing you’ve seen on the internet in a while.

Obviously, it isn’t a real T-Rex – which is probably for the best because we’ve all seen how Jurassic Park ended. Instead it is Liquid Militia’s Mark Gomez in one of the internet’s favorite inflatable T-Rex costumes. Of course, he didn’t actually steal the Jet Ski either.

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But if we look past the fact that the T-Rex and the stealing aren’t real, this is still a pretty impressive video. Gomez nonchalantly hops on his Jet Ski and just starts doing flips!

Flips and tricks on a Jet Ski are probably difficult as it is, but Gomez takes it just that one step further by also having to deal with his inflatable costume. So, not only does he have to worry about his long tail and extended inflatable head hitting the water, he also has to make sure he can still see out of the small viewing hole in the neck of the costume.

Even an inflatable T-Rex costume has some proportion issues – almost like a real T-Rex.

The thought of watching a T-Rex doing tricks on a Jet Ski may have never crossed your mind in the past, but now it has turned into every dinosaur lover’s dream T-rex video. Wonder what Gomez will have the T-Rex conquer next?

[H/T YouTube]