Woman Goes to Hospital For 'Kidney Stones' And Comes Home With A Baby

A woman has given birth to a little bundle of joy after expecting to go to the hospital for what [...]

A woman has given birth to a little bundle of joy after expecting to go to the hospital for what she though was kidney stones.

Stephanie and Michael Jaegers went to the hospital after Stephanie called him saying she has severe abdominal pains. Once they arrived at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge in Georgia doctors asked if there was any chance she could be pregnant before moving forward with x-rays - the answer was no.

In an interview with 12 News, Michael says he remembers the doctors saying "She doesn't need a CT, she needs an ultrasound." Stephanie was 38 weeks pregnant. Within hours Stephanie had delivered Shaun Jude Jaegers, a healthy 7-pound baby boy.

After the birth of their fourth child together, Michael took to Facebook answering the question everyone is wondering, "How do you not know that you're pregnant?"

"Here's what we can gather based on the info given to us from the doctors here at Piedmont Henry Hospital. Steph was diagnosed with pre-menopause awhile back which would justify the hormone imbalance also associated with a pregnancy. Shaun was also breech throughout the entire pregnancy which prevented him from moving around to indicate to Steph that he was in there and his position made it to where Steph didn't "show". The most bizarre part is she continued to have a menstrual cycle, which the hospital tells us is rare, but can happen. Lastly, Steph broke her ankle a couple of weeks ago and was laid up for the last couple of weeks limiting her movements. All of this together ruled out in our minds even the remote possibility of a pregnancy."

The Jaegers family thanks the community for their support and their children for stepping up and helping with baby Shaun while Michael runs to prep for the baby he didn't know was coming and Stephanie who still has that broken ankle.

This article first appeared on Womanista.com