Lottery Millionaires Take Helicopter To Their Red Carpet Mall Shopping Spree

The only thing better than winning $16 million is spending it, and that’s exactly what Sharon [...]

The only thing better than winning $16 million is spending it, and that's exactly what Sharon and Nigel Mather have been doing.

Recently, the happy couple embarked on a shopping spree in a way only millionaires could: By taking a helicopter. They landed at the mall and were greeted with a red-carpet entrance, complete with butlers, security staff and champagne.

But there is a downside to having so much money to spend, the Mathers found, and that is your many, many shopping bags won't fit in your helicopter.

"Who knew a helicopter has such a small boot? Nigel wouldn't have even been able to hit his golf clubs and trolley in that!" Sharon said. "It was actually quite a tight squeeze in the helicopter and we couldn't get all our shopping on board. It was rather amusing and we had to get our driver to take the remaining shopping bags home for us. I think we'll stick to the Bentley in the future."

The Mathers day of shopping was staged as part of The National Lottery's 'Nicer Problems To Have' marketing campaign, but that doesn't mean the couple hasn't spent lavishly on their own since winning the EuroMillions jackpot in 2010.

From luxury cars to a new house, race horses to exotic holidays - now the Mathers have it all.

What you would you buy if you won the lottery?

[ H/T Manchester Evening News ]