Live By Night Final Trailer Rains Hellfire on Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck takes a break from playing Batman for his next directorial effort, Live By Night. [...]

Ben Affleck takes a break from playing Batman for his next directorial effort, Live By Night. Based on the novel by Dennis Lehane, the film tells the story of Joe Coughlin, a Boston boy of the 1920s-30s era who comes home from WWI to find himself getting into the gangster life.

When comes to Florida looking to bootleg and run rum between Cuba and the US, Joe enters a world of dangerous men who don't want to clear him a space in the market. However, Joe comes to learn just how much of a cruel man he can be, as he sets out to grab his slice of the American dream, before the cost becomes too high to pay.

Affleck's films (Gone Baby Gone, Argo, The Town) have gained increasing respect from both the industry and viewers, with Argo adding a Best Picture Oscar to his collection (alongside a screenwriting Oscar for Good Will Hunting). With Affleck making what looks to be a classic style gangster flick, there's no surprise that the mix of material and director has made Live By Night one of the more anticipated and award hopeful films on the upcoming slate.

The fact that the trailers have impressed doesn't hurt, either.

Live By Night will be in limited release on Christmas day; wide release on January 13, 2017.

