Disney World Getting Sued By Man Who Got Bit By Venomous Snake

A man from Pennsylvania claims that as the result of a venomous snake bite while staying at [...]

A man from Pennsylvania claims that as the result of a venomous snake bite while staying at Disney, his right hand is now partially paralyzed. He is now looking to sue Disney for the damages.

In July of 2013, Michael Barth says that he was at one of the Orlando resorts taking a dip in the pool when the snake appeared. According to Barth, there was no Disney personnel or employees in sight, so he attempted to toss a towel over the cold-blooded creature in order to prevent it from attacking the other kids and adults who were at the pool.

Barth says that he ended up in the ICU for 5 days after the venomous snake bit him on his right thumb. The doctors were forced to pump him full of 16 vials of anti-venom but he still suffers from numbness and lost use in his right hand, according to TMZ.

The amount that Barth is aiming to recover from Disney for the damage done to his right hand has not been disclosed as of yet.

In the alligator attack back in June that claimed the life of 2-year-old Lane Graves, the boy's father attempted to save his son and there were no Disney employees that were nearby to assist in that tragic situation either. There were neither warning signs nor available Disney personnel close enough to either situation in order to help prevent the attacks, if Barth is telling the truth.


The claim is interesting because after Lane Graves was killed by an alligator, the Disney Resort posted signs around the property that warned guests of both alligators and snakes. If alligators were the only animals that had presented a threat to guests in the past, then why mention snakes as well?

Do you think Disney should be held responsible for animal attacks around their resorts and properties?