Tristan Thompson Captured on Camera Cheating on Khloe Kardashian With Two Women in October

Amid reports that Tristan Thompson was captured on camera kissing a mystery woman this weekend at [...]

Amid reports that Tristan Thompson was captured on camera kissing a mystery woman this weekend at the club while 9-month-pregnant Khloé Kardashian waited at home, new footage of an October encounter Thompson had with two women has emerged.

TMZ published surveillance video Tuesday that was recorded Oct. 7, 2017 at a hookah lounge outside Washington D.C.

In the footage, Thompson can be seen with three women, two of whom get up close and personal with the NBA player. One of the women is making out with Thompson, while the other brings his head to her chest between her breasts. That same woman can be seen grabbing his crotch.

The video can be seen here.

The video was recorded the night before the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Washington Wizards. Kardashian would have been three months pregnant at the time with their first child.

Witnesses who saw Thompson at the club over the weekend told the Daily Mail that Thompson and his team were present at the venue from about 7:30 p.m. to about 9:30 p.m. The woman who filmed the clip, who asked to remain anonymous, had little doubt that the man she recorded was Thompson. TMZ later published footage of the two heading back to the Four Seasons together.

"I was there and he was on the table right next to us with a group of friends and some girl who he was obviously making out with all night," she said. "They were holding each other and it was so obvious. They were there when I got there and they were part of a big group of friends."

"They were talking and being around each other all night," she went on. "He was texting and talking on the phone and she was obviously looking over his shoulder. Everybody knew who he was. We talked about it and everybody watched them make out several times. I have obviously seen him before and people around me were like, 'That's Tristan Thompson.' I have seen him on TV."

"I know how he looks like and people were trying to take selfies with him but he didn't let them," the witness continued. "He wasn't wearing anything on his head but he later pulled his shirt and tried to hide, but at the start it was was obviously him. I don't know who the girl was but I took a picture of her looking over his shoulder."

Meanwhile, Kardashian is in Cleveland. The 33-year-old reality personality is due to give birth any day now.

"I love the Kardashians and I think it's devastating," the woman went on. "I really did believe he was a good guy. I feel so bad for Khloé now because she is pregnant and I want her to know but at the same time I don't. I don't think their fans will like what they see."

Photo credit: Instagram / Khloe Kardashian