
Trevor Noah’s Botched Surgery Claims Hit Snag in Court


Trevor Noah‘s current lawsuit against the New York City hospital and doctor that he claims botched a surgery that he underwent in 2020 has hit a snag. Law & Crime reports that the law firm representing the doctor and the hospital that Noah has named in the lawsuit have demanded The Daily Show host’s deposition in early February.

Noah sued the hospital and Dr. Riley J. Williams III in November, according to legal documents obtained by PEOPLE. The Grammy Awards host was a patient between Aug. 25, 2020, and Dec. 17, 2020, and said his surgery was on Nov. 23, 2020. The defendants were “negligent and careless in failing to treat and care for [him] in a careful and skillful manner,” Noah’s court documents read. He also accused Williams and the hospital of not using “approved methods in general use in the care and treatment.”

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The defendants also failed to prescribe Noah the “proper” medication and did not “discontinue certain prescription medications” as they should have, Noah claims. The doctor and hospital also failed “to use proper tests and examinations in order to diagnose the conditions” he suffered from. After the surgery, Noah suffered “serious personal injury,” according to the lawsuit. His injuries were described as “permanent, severe, and grievous.” He was allegedly left “rendered sick, sore, lame, and disabled,” after the surgery. The hospital denied the comedian’s claims, calling them “meritless.”

In Thursday’s legal filing, the hospital denied nearly all of Noah’s accusations. “[W]hatever damages may have been sustained at the time and place alleged in the complaint by plaintiff were caused, in whole or in part, by the culpable conduct of plaintiff and without any negligence on the part of defendant,” the document reads.  “Damages, if any, are to be diminished proportionally to the culpable conduct of the plaintiff.”

Noah’s lawsuit includes a long list of alleged effects of the botched surgery. Noah allegedly “sustained severe and painful personal injuries; sustained severe nervous shock, mental anguish, severe emotional distress, and great physical pain; was confined to bed and home for a long period of time; was compelled to undergo hospital and medical aid, treatment, and attention; has suffered loss of enjoyment of life; was prevented from engaging in his usual occupation for a long period of time; and since some of his injuries are of a permanent nature, he will continue to suffer similar damages in the future,” the documents read. Noah has not commented on the lawsuit and it’s unclear what kind of procedure he had.