
Stephen King’s ‘IT’ Inspired Coronavirus Meme Has Social Media Rolling

Amid growing concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, the ‘King of Horror’ himself, Stephen King, […]

Amid growing concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, the “King of Horror” himself, Stephen King, is quickly earning himself the title of the “King of Memes.” On Friday, the famed author sent waves of laughter through social media with his It-inspired coronavirus meme about the current toilet paper shortage, suggesting that all people need to do to get their hands on a highly-coveted roll is take a trip down the sewer with Pennywise.

As the outbreak continues, with a John Hopkins database recording a confirmed 735,000 cases worldwide as of Monday morning, grocery stores across the country struggle to maintain filled shelves. Among the most sought-after items is toilet paper, with aisles typically emptied and man stores limiting the quantities customers can purchase. Despite the unfavorable predicament, King’s meme brought on plenty of laughs, earning dozens of responses. Keep scrolling to see how social media is reacting to the hilarious meme.

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“Oh my God,” wrote one person. “[Stephen King], you, sir, win the internet.”

“I love it dude,” tweeted another. “Haven’t read a book in 10 years and I’m halfway through IT and hooked. Brilliant job Mr. King. Love the reference.”

“Awww, thanks Pennywise!” joked somebody else. “But for real, where’s my boat?”

“You ain’t right mister, but I’m not mad at you,” added one fan.

“Lol [Stephen] King that was awesomeee!” commented one person. “but 6 ft back mother f–er. love your work!”

“I’ll use some leaves thank you,” joked another person.

“We all wipe down here,” somebody else suggested a new tagline for the film.

“Pennywise be knowing we need that tp,” tweeted another fan.

“Put a bottle of sanitizer on top of that roll and I’d consider going over there,” offered somebody else.

“Stephen, you have a real sense of humor,” praised one person.

“Nope, nope and nope on that ‘offer,’” wrote another.

“Pennywise must really be suffering with all these kids in quarantine,” quipped one person.

“If you wrote a book about a haunted roll of toilet paper, I would read it,” commented another fan.

“I still stand back from storm sewer grates….. permanently suspicious!” added one.

“That is just wrong on so many levels…” wrote somebody else. “That being said…I’m wondering how fast I can grab that before Pennywise drags my a– to the sewers…. Wait… Does he have toilet paper there, too?”

“King surely knows how to lure during this phase,” tweeted one person. “Grab ’em all up!”

“Is this a cry for help or an invitation?” asked another person.