People Can't Handle This Picture of Malia Obama Partying at the Harvard-Yale Game

Malia Obama, the daughter of President Barack Obama, was spotted making out with a guy while [...]

Malia Obama, the daughter of President Barack Obama, was spotted making out with a guy while tailgating before the Harvard-Yale football game on Saturday. She is also seen holding a cigarette in one photo.

TMZ obtained footage of the scene, showing the 19-year-old college freshman making out with a mystery guy. The man is wearing a red Harvard sweatshirt, while Malia is wearing a puffy yellow jacket and a hat with the letter "H" on it.

The site also published a photo of Malia smoking. Her mother, former First Lady Michelle Obama, probably wouldn't be happy to see that, since Michelle famously did not like her husband smoking.

"He's scared to death of his wife," former House Speaker John Boehner told Politico when asked if he ever saw President Obama sneak a cigarette. "Scared. To. Death."

President Obama smoked for 30 years. He was overheard telling a United Nations official in 2013 that he stopped smoking around 2007 "because I'm scared of my wife."

"I know that his ability to ultimately kick the habit was because of the girls, because they're at the age now where you can't hide," Michelle said in 2012. "I think that he didn't want to look his girls in the eye and tell them that they shouldn't do something that he was still doing."

The new photos of Malia caused a stir on social media.

"Sweet, but smoking like Dad is not good," one person wrote.

"I'm not tweeting out the article about Malia Obama kissing at Harvard, but I am tweeting LEAVE MALIA OBAMA ALONE TO KISS OR NOT KISS OR DO WHATEVER SHE'D LIKE, SHE HAD TO BE A TEEN AND A YOUNG BLACK WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE/THIS HELL, WHAT'S WRONG WITH EVERYONE," Foreign Policy journalist Emily Tamkin tweeted.

People who were at the game on Saturday also tweeted about meeting her. One person wrote, "So I met a pretty drunk Malia Obama today. Pretty crazy stuff."

Too bad the game was a dud for Harvard. The team lost to Yale 24-3.

Photo: Getty