Aaron Carter's Sister Angel Recalls Last Conversation With Him

Aaron Carter's twin sister Angel recently took some time to memorialize her late brother, recalling the last conversation she ever had with him before his shocking death. On Instagram, Angel shared an old photo of the two from when they were kids, and wrote a lengthy, heartfelt caption. "I want to start by sharing how much I appreciate all the birthday wishes. While today is incredibly tough, I am overwhelmed by your love and support... thank you from the bottom of my heart," she began.

"Almost 11 years ago, I lost my sister, Leslie," Angel continued. "I remember feeling broken, confused, and I questioned how I was going to continue on without her in my life... And now, over a decade later, I am forced to once again deal with the extreme grief of the death of a sibling. This time, it's my beloved twin, Aaron. We had an indescribable bond... and now... he is gone. It feels unfair... I feel too young to carry the weight of losing two of my siblings. When we lost Leslie, I was blindsided and shocked. With Aaron, however, we had tried everything."

Angel then went on to share about the final time she talked to her sibling. "In fact, I spoke with him two days before he passed, and I begged, once again, for him to let us help," she revealed. "I did not know that would be the last time that I would ever hear his voice. And now, I sit here on our birthday, trying to navigate this unimaginable loss because of untreated mental illness and the addiction that it led to."

"Aaron dying was the worst day of my life," Angel wrote. "I have loved him since we were born... it feels like a piece of my soul is gone. And yet, despite all this pain, his passing has lit a fire within me. I feel a calling and responsibility to help other families and continue the conversation to further break the stigmas that surround mental illness."

Next, she announced plans for "a benefit concert to raise awareness for mental health" and explained that "100% of proceeds" will be donated to On Our Sleeves, an organization that connects people with "free expert-created resources to help communities break child mental health stigmas⁣" and "support children's mental health." Angel added that the "Songs For Tomorrow" benefit will be held on January 18, 2023, in West Hollywood, CA. She then concluded her post, "I have learned the pain never goes away and keep telling myself that it is one step at a time. I am hoping you can join me for this crucial next step... in memory of Aaron."