Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Reportedly Trying to Have a Child

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially tied the knot this past May, and if reports are to be [...]

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially tied the knot this past May, and if reports are to be believed, the royal couple is hoping to expand their family very soon.

A source told Us Weekly that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are "trying for a baby," likely delighting fans everywhere who can't wait for a mini Markle or Harry to arrive.

"They both want a big family, at least three kids," the insider said, adding that Markle is "starting to feel more settled" in her new life as a royal.

Both Markle and Harry have previously spoken about wanting children, including during their engagement interview with the BBC when they discussed the prospect of having children.

"I think, you know, one step at a time," Harry said. "Hopefully we'll start a family in the near future."

In 2015, the Prince told Sky News that he was waiting for the right moment to have children.

"Of course, I would love to have kids right now, but there is a process that one has to go through," he said. "It would be great to have someone else next to me, but the time will come. Whatever happens, happens."

Markle told Lifestyle magazine in 2015 that she was looking forward to starting a family.

"It's all about balance, and I have so much happiness in my career and am fortunate to travel the world and see so many amazing things — it will also be nice to be anchored to something grounded and in the same place," she said. "Raising a family will be a wonderful part of that."

While children may be in the couple's future, they're likely now focused on their busy schedule, which next sees the pair scheduled to attend Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank's wedding will take place on Friday, Oct. 12 at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, where Harry and Markle celebrated their own nuptials just months ago.

The ceremony, lunchtime reception and evening reception will be held on Friday, followed by a festival-style party on Saturday, making the wedding celebration a two-day affair.

While Harry and Markle are set to attend Friday's events, they will reportedly skip the party to allow ample travel time for their upcoming royal tour.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will begin their 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji on Monday, Oct. 15, and will need to leave England on Saturday to allow for their 22 hours of travel time.

Photo Credit: Getty / Chris Jackson