'Amazing Race' Fans Divided Over Competing 'Big Brother' Couple

The Amazing Race returned for its 30th season, and there's a couple of Big Brother alums [...]

The Amazing Race returned for its 30th season, and there's a couple of Big Brother alums competing. However, the show's viewership is divided over their inclusion.

Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf competed on the 19th season of Big Brother and fell in love while they were there. Now they're testing their relationship and travelling around the world on The Amazing Race.

Some viewers were delighted to see the Big Brother favorites on-screen once again, and they took to Twitter to show it.

"Cody and Jessica from BB19 [are] in the The Amazing Race? Amazing!" one fan wrote. "They're my favorite Big Brother couple, and they are now my favorite Amazing Race team. I'm rooting for you guys."

Another viewer added, "I'm only watching Amazing Race this season because of Jessica and Cody. I have no shame."

However, some are completely turned off by the couples inclusion.

Some typically loyal fans are swearing off the show's new season until they're knocked out of contention.

"Anyone else NOT watching Amazing Race this year because Cody [and] Jessica are on it?" one fan wrote. "I've watched from season 1 but I refuse to sit through more weeks with these [two] in my lifetime! Maybe if they go early (hopefully)."

Another added, "My mom is having me watch The Amazing Race with her, and I just really don't want to see Jess and Cody on my TV screen."

The Amazing Race airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

Photo Credit: CBS / John Paul Filo