WWE Survivor Series 2016 Results, Live Updates

WWE Survivor Series is set to make all of your warfare fantasies come true tonight (Sun., Nov. 20, […]

WWE Survivor Series is set to make all of your warfare fantasies come true tonight (Sun., Nov. 20, 2016) from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 7:00 p.m. ET, live on the WWE Network.

Comicbook.com will provide LIVE match-by-match coverage and reactions to the Survivor Series below, starting with the first match of the evening and rumbling right on through to the main event.

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What historic moments lie in store for the 30th anniversary of WWE’s Thanksgiving tradition? Will wee see a Survivor Series debut that rivals The Undertaker’s or perhaps a Canadian “screw job” that makes Montreal jealous? Will Goldberg live up to his 2K17 video game hype or will little Goldberg junior be forced to watch his dad get beheaded by The Beast, Brock Lesnar? Stay right here with me, Comicbook.com’s WWE Managing Editor, Brandon Gnetz, as we find out all that and more.

And remember to keep refreshing for the latest!


The Pre-show kicked off with Noam Dar, Rich Swann, & TJ Perkins defeating Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, & Tony Nese in a preview of what’s to come from the random 6 man tag match division, um, I mean, Cruiserweight Division, on 205 Live. The Wyatt Family tradition of threatening to take over the world then losing on a pay per view continued when Luke Harper lost to young up and coming superstar, Kane. Booker T gave us his Schucky Ducky Quack Quack prediction of Brock Lesnar beating Goldberg and I feel ashamed for having just typed that sentence. Great sign for the WWE, as the crowd is already breaking into a full GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! chant.

Slow down, Toronto. There are still 4 hours left!

Let’s get to the main show. I can’t look at Jerry Lawler’s shirt any longer…

We get things rolling with a video package reminding us that this is the only place where Fantasy Warfare JUST GETS REAL. Since I’ve been managing a Fantasy Football team all day, I know that’s not completely true. The sweet sounds of Mauro Ranallo’s voice welcomes us in to the 30th annual Survivor Series and there’s Bailey’s music! Wacky waving arm guys everywhere! The ladies will start things off with a traditional 5 on 5 elimination match.

Women’s RAW team vs. Women’s SmackDown LIVE team

The match: Nikki Bella starts off in the backstage area suffering the effects of a mysterious sneak attack. It’s enough for the local wrestler posing as a doctor to claim she cannot be cleared to wrestle. Smackdown’s coach, Natalya, takes her place, hoping to get the Canadian pop from the Hart music. The crowd was slightly less than enthused. Chaos ensues as Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha can’t decide who will get a shot at Becky Lynch. Nia Jax clears the ring. So much talent in this match, but Nia definitely has the most unique look in all of the division. As Becky said, she’s HUGE. Alicia Fox eliminates Carmella, only to immediately get eliminated by Alexa Bliss. Nia Jax, the only one still wearing her RAW t shirt, destroys Naomi outside the ring by running her into the post, forcing a countout. Naomi has been eliminated and it’s 4-3 RAW. Minutes later, we get our first HUGE upset of the night as Natalya eliminates Sasha Banks with a roll up! This could be the beginning of a HUGE push for Natalya as … and never mind. Natalya’s taken out by Charlotte with a running boot to the face. It’s 3-2 RAW. Becky and Alexa spend a good 3 minutes trying to take out Nia Jax and succeed when Becky makes Nia tap to the Dis-Arm-Her. It’s an arm bar. Get it? Great. Charlotte takes out Alexa with a boot to the face, it’s 2-1 RAW. Becky Lynch brings straight fire to Charlotte, hitting her with the Dublin Jam. Bayley is a little late to break up the count, but the referee awkwardly stops it at 2.5 anyways. We get a nice sequence between Bayley and Becky. Becky goes for the armbar, but Bayley responds with a Bayley to Belly for the WIN! Team RAW wins. Bayley and Charlotte survive.

Post-match: Charlotte destroys Bayley, running her into the barricades outside the ring, setting up the women’s program we’ve all been waiting for.

Reaction: Really fun match. The women were eliminated in the order you’d expect, save for the nice Sasha twist. Most importantly, we’re ready to move on to a Charlotte & Bayley program, which we all know will be straight money. Aint no stoppin us now!

*Backstage, James Ellsworth runs into the Club. Anderson and Gallows roll through about 15 chin jokes before Mick Foley breaks it up. Ellsworth recalls the time Undertaker “tossed” Foley off Hell in a Cell. Foley inexplicably tries to recruit Ellsworth to RAW, but James declines. Ellsworth turns around to see Braun Strowman, who responds with a monstrous “Don’t I know you?”

Intercontinental Championship – The Miz (C) vs Sami Zayn

The match: Poor Dolph Ziggler. This should be his match. He had an entire 3 month chase for the championship program erased in one night, but I digress. The crowd is hot for fellow Canadian, Sami Zayn. If Sami wins, the IC title will be coming back with him to RAW. Sami starts out on fire, hitting a moonsault outside the ring before getting distracted by Maryse, who to be fair, looks especially distracting. Miz takes control back in the ring, going to work on Sami’s leg – foreshadowing the figure four he will surely attempt to finish Sami off with. Sami sells it like a million bucks, yet still finds a way to hit Miz with an Swanton over the ropes and a michinoku driver. Miz kicks out of a roll-up and Sami follows, kicking out of a low hanging DDT. The Miz mocks Daniel Bryan’s YES chants before hitting 3 of Bryan’s trademark running dropkicks into the corner. Sami gets a near fall with the Blue Thunder Bomb! Miz locks in the figure four! Sami makes his way out. Miz now using Bryan’s YES kicks! Don’t play with my emotions, Miz! If Daniel Bryan isn’t coming back, I don’t want to get my hopes up! Sami locks in the figure four, but is distracted when Maryse prematurely rings the bell. Zayn, thinking he’s won stands to celebrate and is rolled up by The Miz for the three count. The Miz retains!

Reaction: Classic heel outsmarting the babyface ending. Really thought Sami would bring the Intercontinental championship to RAW, but he looked strong in the loss, as he always does. The Miz is on the best heel run he’s had since offending Coral on Real World: Back to New York.

*Backstage, AJ and Dean remind us that Fantasy Warfare Just Gets Real. We get it, guys. We’re already here. No need to sell us anymore.

Men’s RAW tag teams vs. Men’s SmackDown LIVE tag teams

Enzo and Cass are out to hype up the Toronto crowd with a lot of Drake lyrics. Zo drops the top of his overalls to reveal the phrase “If you’re reading this, it’s too late.” Toronto loves their boy, Drake, so it goes over like gangbusters. Sadly, no mention of Canadian rapper, Snow. Next out we get The Shining Stars with their brochures followed by the Club and Sheamus and Cesaro. Can we give them a name already? Sheasaro? Cesamus? Team Captains, The New Day, round out the team and this already looks like way too many people. Team Smackdown makes their way to the ring with zero catchphrases.

The match: Fandango hands out fashion tickets to both teams and is then immediately eliminated by The New Day. Kofi stands up from the pin and walks right into an Uso superkick.SHOCKER! Jimmy Uso has eliminated The New Day! Mojo Rawley and his Zubaz take it to Epico. The former Matadores work a double team on Mojo before bringing the Club into the match. Zack Ryder battles both members of The Club before getting taken out with the Magic Killer. The Hype Bros are eliminated. American Alpha even things up at 3-3 when they take out The Shining Stars with a Steiner Brothers-esque top rope avalanche/bulldog. Chaos randomly breaks out as all the remaining teams fight there way to the outside. Cass throws Enzo into the pile, Jordan throws Gable over the ropes into the pile, then Heath Slater hits a stage dive to crowd. Another shocker as American Alpha are eliminated early. A gore eliminates The Club, then Enzo and Cass eliminate Smackdown champions, Slater and Rhyno. The Usos make their way back to the ring to superkick Enzo into next week. We’re down to The Usos and Cesamus. Great near fall with Jey Uso hitting the Superfly splash on Sheamus. Cesaro breaks it up. Cesaro goes forearm crazy on Jay Uso before hitting a 619! Cesaro reverses a Uso leg lock into a sharp shooter to the delight of the Toronto crowd! Jimmy attempts to break up the pin but is met with a Brogue kick from Sheamus! Team RAW is now 2-0. Cesaro and Sheamus are the sole survivors.

Reaction: Did not expect to see The New Day and American Alpha eliminated so early, but the match did a great job of building new contenders for both brand’s champions. The Usos looked stronger than they ever have and Team Cesamus (TM) appear ready to end the record breaking title reign of The New Day. For having 57 people in the ring, that was a great match.

Cruiserweight Championship – THE Brian Kendrick (c) vs Kalisto

The match: Those purple ropes mean one thing and one thing only. It’s Cruiser time! I’m not sure why only people who weigh under 206lbs feel the need to shake hands before and after their matches, but I like it. There’s going to be more flipping and Lucha Lucha-ing in this match than I can keep up with, so bare with me. Kendrick and Kalisto both threaten their finishers early, but fail to connect. The action spills to the outside and Kendrick pins Kalisto’s head between the steel steps and the ring post. Brutal looking spot as Kendrick kicks the steps! I really love Kendrick. He’s like a tiny John Morrison. The crowd is pretty spent after that tag match. I hate to tell them we still have two hours left. OH MY GOD! Kalisto hits a standing Spanish Fly on Kendrick from the ring apron. Crowd is back in it, now. What a spot. Kalisto with a suicide dive to the outside. Kendick with a beautiful reverse headlock takeover from the top rope into the Captain’s Hook, but Kalisto makes it to the rope. Kalisto with the Salida Del Sol, but this time Kendrick makes it to the rope. We’re 1-1 on kicking out of finishers. Kalisto goes to the top and Baron Corbin runs in to destroy Kendrick and Kalisto. End of Days on Kalisto! Kendrick wins by Disqualification and the Cruiserweight Division remains on RAW.

Reaction: What?!?Come on! Did not see that coming. Baron Corbin cost Smackdown the Cruisers, which is fine because Smackdown doesn’t have any extra time on that show. Maybe Corbin will reveal Tuesday night that he has Achondroplasiaphobia: the fear of little people.

Men’s RAW team vs. Men’s SmackDown LIVE team

I would like to first thank the Team RAW vs Team Smackdown video package for allowing me my first bathroom break of the evening. Considering looking into a catheter for TLC.

The match: Team Smackdown is out first, led by jobber mascot, James Ellsworth. The crowd is chanting AJ Styles. Toronto must love DMX just as much as they love Drake. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens get the biggest pop from Team RAW and, of course, Roman Reigns gets booed out of the building. Everyone is wearing a team shirt, except Braun Strowman, who is too large to wear human clothes. This is quite the collection of New Era talent. AJ and KO start things out. JBL calls it a dream match and he’s not wrong. Kevin’s BFF, Jericho, gets brough in to a HUGE and I mean HUGE pop! Dean and Seth give us a few minutes of beautiful wrestling before Jericho tags back in. Somehow, Dean and Seth feels fresh even though they were just feuding 4 months ago. The Brand Split is working! Shane O Mac gets his first taste in the ring, peppering Y2J with those Shane rabbit punches. Shane is in great shape, but he looks old. It will be a crime if he’s not the first one eliminated. Dean Ambrose is in and counters a KO pop-up powerbomb into a hurricanrana.

We once again get a sequence of every member of each team squaring off in the ring, then fighting into a pile right outside the ring. KO with a dive from the top rope onto the entire crowd. Suddenly, AJ and Dean Ambrose can’t put their differences aside and begin fighting each other! This gives Braun Strowman the window he needs to hit the running powerslam on Dean. Dean Ambrose has been eliminated! Braun then tosses AJ Styles over the ropes and that’s the worst spill I’ve ever seen someone not named Mick Foley take. Is AJ alive? Someone check on AJ, damn it! Strowman is putting on a show! Bray tries to use his hypnotic powers to talk Strowman into betraying his team, but Strowman will have none of it. Orton with an RKO to Braun outside the ring on the table … from OUTTANOWHERE! Randy and Bray set Braun on a table and Shane McMahon hits a flying elbow onto Braun on the German announce table! I take back everything I ever said about Shane! That was beautiful.

Braun looks to get back in before the 10 count, but his foot is held under the ring by James Ellsworth! Strowman is eliminated! Brilliant way to get Braun out of the match without making him look weak. Strowman chases Ellsworth up the ramp and then throws him about 80 feet into the air, crashing through two tables! To quote JR, GOOD GOD, THAT KILLED HIM!

Kevin Owens saves Jericho from elimination by busting AJ over the head with the List of Jericho! The referee calls for Kevin Owens to be disqualified! Jericho is more distraught over his list than KO, allowing just enough time for Orton to hit an RKO, eliminating Y2J.

It’s 4 on 2 as we’re down to Roman and Seth vs Orton, Wyatt, AJ and Shane O Mac. Seth makes the hot tag to Roman and the “Big Dog” cleans house! Roman nearly eliminates AJ, but Shane makes the save. Shane takes down both Shield members and goes for the post to post flying turnbuckle kick. Shane is met mid air with a Roman spear! Now Shane may be dead! The referee botches the count, but makes up for it by saying Shane is unable to keep competing. Shane McMahon has been eliminated!

The Wyatts work over Roman as the crowd chants ROMAN SUCKS! Come on, guys. Isn’t it getting old? Aren’t you getting tired of hating Roman Reigns? Roman makes the hot tag to Seth. AJ met with an enziguri on the top rope. Seth climbs and hits a beautiful rolling superplex into a falcon arrow. Randy breaks up the pin! The action spills to the outside and Rollins and Reigns tease an old school Shield powerbomb onto the announce table. AJ breaks it up. Dean Ambrose rushes the ring to get revenge on Styles. A team of security guards make their way down to stop Ambrose, but Seth and Roman help out their former brother in arms!

WE HAVE A SHIELD REUNION! Dean, Seth and Roman give AJ the Triple Powerbomb!

AJ is thrown back into the ring and he’s eliminated! It’s 2 on 2 Wyatts vs Roman and Seth. Luke Harper, fresh off his pre-show loss to Kane is back to help out his Wyatt brothers. Seth takes aim at Bray from the top rope but is met with an RKO from, you guessed it, Outta Nowhere. Seth Rollins is eliminated!

Roman hits a drive by on Bray, throws Randy into the steel steps and drops Luke Harper outside the ring. Reigns looks to spear Bray, but Randy pushes him out of the way and takes the spear himself! Bray follows up with Sister Abigail and that’s enough for the win! Team Smackdown wins! Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt survive!

Reaction: Good lord! What else could you want from that match? The Wyatts finally won something. Shane McMahon did Shane O Mac stuff. James Ellsworth may have been murdered. The Shield reunited and it was glorious! Well done, WWE. Well done!

Now for the MAIN EVENT!


The match: Lesnar is out first. The arena is buzzing! 3 hours in and everyone is on their feet! Goldberg gets his traditional WCW entrance, right down to the knock on the dressing room door. He steps out of the back and surprisingly looks phenomenal!

The bell rings and after a brief stare down, Lesnar charges Goldberg back into the corner. Goldberg shoves Lesnar down, shocking the Beast Incarnate! Brock gets to his feet and SPEAR by Goldberg! Lesnar gets to his feet and is immediately met with ANOTHER SPEAR! The crowd is losing their mind!

Goldberg gets Lesnar up and hits the Jackhammer! 1,2,3! At 1:26, this one is over! I CAN NOT BELIEVE WHAT I HAVE JUST WITNESSED! Lesnar is shocked. Heyman is shocked. The crowd can’t stop chanting GOLDBERG! Goldberg brings his son (shirtless for some reason) into the ring to celebrate and that will do it for the 2016 Survivor Series!

Reaction: WOW! No one saw that coming. I’ve been a wrestling fan for a LONG time and I love nothing more than to be truly shocked by an outcome! All of Brock Lesnar’s matches have that big fight, UFC feel to them. As with the Randy Orton bout, we really have to be on our toes. This was not just a “squash match.” This was the perfect punctuation mark on the story they’ve been selling us for the past month. In under 2 minutes they were able to show that Goldberg was indeed the super hero we all remembered and that Brock Lesnar had sorely underestimated him. No, this does not hurt Lesnar going forward. His reputation is unbreakable at this point. I’m totally fine with their being one man that he can’t beat, and that man being Goldberg! The question is was this truly a one time return to the ring or will we soon find out Who’s Next?

Thanks for hanging with us for the 2016 Survivor Series! Join us tomorrow night as we break down all of the fallout on Monday Night RAW!