Kenny Omega Wants To Main Event With AJ Styles

Kenny Omega was the hottest free agent in wrestling this spring after his Match Of The Year [...]

Kenny Omega was the hottest free agent in wrestling this spring after his Match Of The Year candidate with Osaka in New Japan. Despite Triple H's interest in Omega and John Cena's social media teases, many fans were disappointed when the Bullet Club member didn't make a surprise showing at the Royal Rumble, but a recent interview revealed Omega still has his sights on the WWE.

Omega spoke with The LAW: Live Audio Wrestling's Dan "The Mouth" Lovranski, and revealed that he wants to main event with former Bullet Club, member AJ Styles.

"Right now, I'm 100% content with where I am because I would love to be the driving force behind New Japan in the global market. However, generally, I'm just guided by how I feel, where my heart's at and where I'm needed, if that makes sense. I'm not gonna lie, there are things that I haven't been able to do that I would love to do at some point in time. One of those things is, I really feel I need to have a high stakes main event with AJ [Styles]. I really feel I have to. I'm not sure where it will be, I'm just saying that it's always in the back of my mind."

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On episode 317 of Talk Is Jericho, Omega discussed how AJ and Nakamura leaving New Japan thrust him into a main event role.

"Yeah, the company, it was in a scramble, in a state of disarray. We had two of our very top stars, Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ [Styles] just up and leave the company! And, no hard feelings. Everyone understood the opportunity that was before them. But the company didn't know what to do with themselves and they had no plan because in a matter of a day the transition period between the Tokyo Dome on the 4th and the 5th, the date to start next year's storylines, they didn't know what they were going to do, so they just said, 'okay, Kenny, AJ was the leader of The Bullet Club. You are in The Bullet Club. Well, figure it out!' Do you know what I mean? And there you go. So myself and The Young Bucks, I believe you've had them on the show, yeah, they love you! Right, so me and The Young Bucks, we got together and we said, 'this is a chance to really show what we're all about and change something.' And then, thus was me turning on AJ, and creating The Elite, and sort of putting a different spin on what The Bullet Club was at that point."

More: Kenny Omega Puts AJ Styles And John Cena In Their Place

[H/T WrestlingInc]