'Wild Cards': Max Finds Out Why Ellis Was Demoted (Exclusive Clip)

'Wild Cards' airs on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

Wild Cards has kicked off on The CW, and fans are starting to get sucked into cons that Max and Ellis are having to go on. The series centers on a demoted detective and con woman working together in order to help solve cases and in the hopes of helping themselves. In an exclusive clip for PopCulture.com for the episode airing tonight, Feb. 7, Vanessa Morgan's Max finally finds out more about her partner, and it's as shocking as ever.

Max wonders what Chief Li's "dealio" is with Ellis, and a detective tells her that the two were actually pretty close. Li was basically Ellis' rabi and had brought him up to detective. They had been working a case for months, and Li eventually pulled them back. Ellis didn't want to give up. "He went down a dark rabbit hole," the detective shares. Ellis shut him out, and they later found drugs in the trunk of his car. It's possible that the drugs were planted since Ellis was getting close to the truth.

It seems like that's the reason for Ellis' demotion, and it sounds like that case isn't quite wrapped up yet. This is only the fourth episode, so there will definitely be a lot more to look forward to. Since Ellis' demotion was seemingly not his fault at all, hopefully, that will be yet another case that Max and Ellis can work on together and finally solve. There is still a lot to both of them that we still don't know, and it should be interesting discovering more of their backstory.

In Episode 4, Ellis and Max pull a switcheroo after a surfer gets shot and washes up on the beach. Ellis goes undercover while Max tries to unravel a criminal plot worthy of Hitchcock. Seeing the two take on each other's identities, in a way, and it will surely be fun and nerve-wracking to watch. There is no telling how it will go down, but fingers crossed they get it all solved. Hopefully all goes smooth sailing for them, but fans will want to tune in to see what happens.

Make sure to watch the exclusive clip above and watch new episodes of Wild Cards on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.
