Ten-Foot Giant 'Alien' Spys From Hilltop in Video, Claims Hiker

A new viral video of an alleged alien sighting is raising eyebrows around the world.

Viral videos out of Brazil claim to show these bizarrely tall humanoid creatures walking around a hillside there, and witnesses swear these are authentic extra-terrestrial sightings. The videos were published by TMZ and filmed on Ilha do Mel – an island off the coast of Brazil. They show at least two of the strange figures that could be visitors from another world.

These new viral videos are unlikely to change anyone's mind about the existence of extra-terrestrials – skeptics will say that they are staged or can be explained by conventional means, while UFO enthusiasts will go over them with a fine-toothed comb. For now, commenters agree that these are not simply videos of normal people taken from far away. They show extremely tall, oddly-proportioned humanoids walking around a hillside in a remote area and apparently gesturing at the human settlement below.

On top of that, the video was taken by a woman who spoke to TMZ about the experience and gave more details on the terrain. She said that it would be nearly impossible for the average human to reach the hilltops where those creatures are standing in the clips. She said that even an experience mountaineer or climber wouldn't have any reason to get up there, and even if they did, they wouldn't look so large from a distance.

The Brazilian government actually posted a response to this video on social media as well. An official government rep wrote: "Surreaaaaaaal what happened on Ilha do Mel!!! Verão Maior Paraná is another story and even 'strange beings' came to check it out. And you, will you be left out?"

Alleged sightings of UFOs, aliens and cryptids have become common fodder for viral videos and conversation starters. Even the most hardcore believer would likely feel skeptical about at least some of them, but the sheer volume of sightings makes it hard to ignore the phenomenon altogether. At the same time, the U.S. government has been treating UFOs and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) more seriously, even opening a hotline for government employees to report sightings formally. It seems clear that public perception is shifting when it comes to this subject, but it's hard to predict where it will go from here.
