Piers Morgan Claims Sons Have Received 'Venomous Abuse' Due to His Meghan Markle Commentary

Piers Morgan claims that his children have received threats and harassment since his commentary on [...]

Piers Morgan claims that his children have received threats and harassment since his commentary on Meghan Markle and his exit from Good Morning Britain. The conservative commentator left his job after the public backlash to his remarks about Prince Harry and Markle's interview with Oprah Winfrey. However, he is still the Editor-at-Large for the Mail on Sunday, where he wrote a column this weekend.

"I've always subscribed to the 'if you dish it out, you've got to take it' philosophy,'" Morgan wrote. "But my three sons told me they too are all being targeted, and sent me screenshots of venomous abuse and threats of violence towards them, which made my stomach churn, especially as police are already investigating a death threat made to me and my eldest boy Spencer last month. None of them even care about Meghan Markle, let alone agree with my views on her. Yet the Twitter troll mob has found them guilty by association. One troll vowed to murder me in front of them, and added: 'When your dad dies, the world will have a party.'"

All three of Morgan's sons are adults, though he has one daughter who is 9 years old. Morgan has been an outspoken critic of Markle since her relationship with Prince Harry was first announced. He had little sympathy for Markle after her tell-all interview with Winfrey, even when she said that she was suicidal during her time at Buckingham Palace.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe a word she says, Meghan Markle," Morgan said after the interview aired. He then engaged in debates about Markle's claims, which made him so angry that he stormed off the set. He returned for an apology but announced the following day that he was leaving the show.

"It's not for me to question if she felt suicidal, I am not in her mind and that is for her to say," he said at the time. "My real concern was a disbelief, frankly... that she went to a senior member of the royal household and told them she was suicidal and was told she could not have any help because it would be a bad look for the family."

Many commenters have accused Morgan of hypocrisy, saying that he was happy to ignore threats to Markle before they were aimed back at him. However, many critics said that they would not even indulge him by reading his new column this weekend.