Explosive Device Found in Bill and Hillary Clinton's Mail

Authorities in New York are investigating after an explosive device was reportedly found near Bill [...]

Authorities in New York are investigating after an explosive device was reportedly found near Bill and Hillary Clinton's home in Chappaqua, New York on Wednesday.

The New York Times reports that an explosive device was also sent to the office of former President Barack Obama. The package addressed to Obama was intercepted by Secret Service personnel in Washington, D.C., according to officials.

According to NBC New York, the package sent to the Clintons is similar to the explosive device found Tuesday at the home of George Soros, who lives in the same county as the Clintons.

Local law enforcement and the FBI are investigating the package at the Clintons' home, according to reports. The explosive was found by a technician who screens the Clintons' mail, reports The New York Times. It was found around 1 a.m., according to NY1.

Few other details concerning the explosive device at the Clintons' home were immediately available.

"The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such," Assistant Special Agent Mason Brayman said in the statement. "The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them."

Brayman added that "the Secret Service has initiated a full scope criminal investigation that will leverage all available federal, state, and local resources to determine the source of the packages and identify those responsible."

The pipe bomb found at Soros' home, which a bomb squad proactively detonated, was found in the mailbox. An employee noticed the package, placed it in a wooded area and called the police, who alerted the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives. The device reportedly contained explosive powder.

Soros is a billionaire philanthropist who has supported numerous liberal causes and has previously been the target of conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic attacks.

Soros' foundation, The Open Society Foundation, released a statement Tuesday condemning "the politics of hate that dominates our discourse today."

"In this climate of fear, falsehoods, and rising authoritarianism, just voicing your views can draw death threats," the statement continued. "George Soros deplores violence of any kind, and urges politicians across the political spectrum to tone down their rhetoric. Words have consequences, and we bear a collective responsibility to create a more civil way to discuss our political differences. Respect for a diversity of opinions is fundamental to open society and that is the work that George Soros has devoted his life to. Our politics should be more about what we're for than who we hate."