'60 Minutes': Norah O'Donnell Taking Flak for Kamala Harris Question
CBS News' Norah O'Donnell is taking flak from some critics for one central question in her [...]
Ignoring Race
This interviewer’s question is the equivalent of people saying ‘ I don’t see color.’ As a person of color you have to laugh it off & help others understand that OUR lived experiences being a person of color is what U need to see, hear & understand if U really want to be an ally! https://t.co/8cggfhwHfU
— Karamo (@Karamo) October 27, 2020
Many viewers thought that O'Donnell was trying to dodge a discussion about race and cultural background in order to stay on the hot-button topic of "socialism." They sympathized with Harris for her apparently nervous reaction to that question.
'GOP Framing'
I was also struck by how often her questions to Biden and Harris started with “ Trump says blah blah blah about you. Is it true?” This was an excellent observation on your point.
— Angela Hay (@AngelaHay16) October 27, 2020
The better way to have phrased the question would be to say 'Republicans at their convention and to this day still say . . .'.
— Bob Sacamano (@bob_saccamanno) October 26, 2020
Many also criticized O'Donnell for asking questions through the lense of Republican talking points, here and elsewhere throughout the interview. They noted that President Donald Trump has frequently been caught lying outright over the last four years, so treating his claims about Harris or Biden with any legitimacy is misleading at best.
Not So Bad
Because the right lumps that with communism. Its just assumed that promoting social programs will lead to Castro's Cuba.
— Obi Dox Kenobi (@obibluraven) October 26, 2020
Some criticized both O'Donnell and Harris for treating the idea of socialism as "laughable." Many pointed out the government social programs that have helped the U.S. over the last century, and those that have flourished in other parts of the world.
2/ Secondly, if Harris really is “the most liberal member of the Senate,” that’s a reflection of how wildly out of touch the Senate is with the wider Democratic electorate.
I enthusiastically voted for Biden/Harris but neither represent my values or policy preferences.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) October 26, 2020
Similarly, politically engaged Americans who do support social programs and progressive policies said that O'Donnell is far behind the times with this question, and that it threatens to cloud her coverage and understanding of the election.
Basically, she was against Medicare4All when she was running for pres. when progressive candidates were leading she switched to supporting it, now she’s w/ Biden she laughs it off.. all this in less than a year. Absolute trash of a person. https://t.co/MdqJUCGR1i
— Paulo (@StarForgedApe) October 27, 2020
Some argued that O'Donnell's question would have been better if it had targeted Harris' fraught history with progressive policies. They worried about how often Harris' position has changed in a short amount of time, not the most extreme position she has landed on in that time.
Out of Her Element
Exactly!!!!! Lol 😆 Norah is basic and Kamala isn't. It was a moment of realization that Norah is out of her element.
— 𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗕𝗼𝗼,𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲! 🇺🇲 🌊 (@mariehc22) October 26, 2020
Many sympathized with Harris' laugh based on the awkward turn in O'Donnell's questioning. They thought that O'Donnell seemed too eager to stay on a subject that they felt had been covered adequately.
The more I reflect on this question of @KamalaHarris the more offended I get by @NorahODonnell’s demeanor and tone https://t.co/5Msr7ywgEl
— dina b (@d_rosekarb) October 27, 2020
Finally, even assuming O'Donnell was intent on staying on the subject of socialism, some argued that her maneuvering of the conversation in this case crossed a line into being offensive.