Eric Biscoff Reacts to WWE Reviving WCW's Halloween Havoc

Former WCW executive producer and president Eric Bischoff has entertained fans recently with [...]

Former WCW executive producer and president Eric Bischoff has entertained fans recently with stories from his long career in professional wrestling. Now he has used his podcast, 83 weeks, to celebrate the return of a long-running pay-per-view series. He reacted to NXT bringing back Halloween Havoc.

"I think it's great. Wrestling fans have a long memory, and they love the legacy and the nostalgia and the history," Bischoff said on his podcast, per 411Mania. "And I think the fact that WWE is bringing back Halloween Havoc in whatever version is number one, paying homage to a great pay-per-view series. Halloween Havoc went on to become, at least in my opinion, one of the more important pay-per-views of the year for WCW. So, I think it's great, and hopefully, it'll be a tradition that continues long into the future."

Halloween Havoc served as one of WCW's biggest annual pay-per-view events from 1989-2000. However, the product laid dormant for two decades despite fans clamoring for its return. They routinely expressed the opinion that the Halloween-themed event needed its time in primetime. This revival will finally occur on Oct. 28, with a special event hosted by Shotzi Blackheart.

WWE has brought back WCW brands in recent years, including WarGames and the Great American Bash. Some wrestling fans have expressed displeasure about this trend, but Bischoff is not among this group. He laid out his reasons why by explaining that Vince McMahon has traditionally been hesitant to incorporate brands that were not his original creation.

"Historically, at least based on what we hear second and third hand and to a little bit of a degree my own experience from the brief period of time I was in WWE, there was a tendency to not want to really acknowledge the history of other brands," Bischoff explained. "ECW was a bit of an exception, but I think people forget Vince McMahon had a financial investment in ECW early on in ECW's existence.

"WCW was a little bit different — we were real competitors, and there was real animosity a real feeling of us versus them with regard to WCW and WWE. I think the tendency to want to embrace some of WCW's legacy is just not something that happens very naturally or comfortably within WWE, and that's just another reason why I think it's great that it's happening."