David Ortiz Posts First Photo of Himself Since Shooting, and Fans Are Commenting Like Crazy

David Ortiz is well on the road to recovery after spending nearly 50 days in a Boston hospital for [...]

David Ortiz is well on the road to recovery after spending nearly 50 days in a Boston hospital for the injuries he suffered in the Dominican Republic. And by the looks of things, he is doing well, all things considered. Ortiz started providing glimpses into his personal life once again back in late July when he posted a photo of his grill on Instagram. Now, however, he has shown the first photo of himself since the shooting.

Ortiz posted another photo on Instagram Sunday afternoon, showing himself in a life-changing moment. He was dropping his daughter off at college, which is an experience that he likely did not expect to be enjoying as recently as two months ago. However, that changed when he was released from the hospital and was able to attack his recovery. Now Ortiz simply gets to work on being a father during life's biggest moments.

"A life experience take place on us dropping off one of my kids at college..... good luck with everything and remember " to be great you have to bring the best out of you everyday" love you....mom & dad!!!" Ortiz wrote in the caption. He appears to be truly enjoying every moment of fatherhood, especially after it was nearly taken from him in brutal fashion.

Ortiz was shot in the back on June 9 while sitting in a bar in Santo Domingo. The thought at first was Ortiz was the target but as the investigation went on, authorities said Ortiz's friend at the bar was the target and the three-time World Series champion was hit by mistake.

According to CNN, the organizer of the plot and 14 others were arrested for the shooting. It's been reported Victor Hugo Gomez Vasquez is accused of paying Alberto Miguel Rodriguez Mota a $10,000 bounty. Ortiz's friend, whose name is Sixto David Fernandez, was sitting next to the 10-time all-star at the time of the shooting and is cousins of Vazquez.

While he is up and moving about, which is a very positive sign, Ortiz still has a ways to go before he back to full health. ESPN reported in late July that he had a personal physician visiting him on a regular basis and was being assisted by three full-time nurses. Whether they are still on hand is unknown at this point, but it's a very positive sign for Ortiz and his family that he is up and taking his daughter to college.

Ortiz played in the major leagues from 1997-2016. He was a member of the Minnesota Twins for six seasons and spent the rest of his career with the Red Sox. Along with the three World Series titles and 10 all-star appearances, Ortiz recorded 541 yards and 2,472 hits.