10 Best Exercises for Better Girl-on-Top Sex
Girl-on-top sex may be the most fulfilling position for a woman (it's best for orgasm, after all), [...]
Alternating Lunges
Warm up the glutes and quads with this move! It'll help tone your leg muscles, but this stretch will also keep your hamstrings from cramping up at exactly the wrong moment.
How to: Stand with your feet about hip-distance apart. Take a big step forward with one foot and bend both knees to a 90-degree angle, keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips and front knee behind the front toes. Use the front foot to press yourself back to standing, gliding the toes through starting position, then taking a large step backward with the same foot. Keeping the shoulders stacked over the hips and front knee behind the front toes, bend both knees to a 90-degree angle for a reverse lunge. Return to standing, and that's one rep! Continue with this leg for the desired reps, then switch to the other side.
Alternating Side Lunges
Keep up the lunges by turning them to the side. This is a hip-opening variation that'll also fire up your quads.
How to: Stand with your feet about hip-distance apart. With one foot, take a large step out to the side and bend that knee about 90 degrees, keeping the knee behind the toes and bending into that hip. Press off the foot to return to standing position, then repeat on the other side for one rep!
Squat/Sumo Squat
This move helps to open up your hips, plus it tones your butt and thighs. Those are all muscles needed for perfect girl-on-top form!
How to: Stand wide with your feet facing forward. Keeping your chest high and your knees behind your toes, bend both knees about 90 degrees. Press up to come back to starting position, then turn your toes out about 45 degrees before the second squat. Press up through the heels to return to starting position. That's one rep!
Sumo Squat Pulses
Talk about a hip opener! Not only does this move fire up the glutes as you sit in a prolonged squat, it helps build hip strength needed for a smooth ride.
How to: Stand wide with your toes facing outward about 45 degrees. Keeping your chest high and knees behind your toes, bend both knees about 90 degrees. Staying in this low position, press your knees out to the sides with controlled movement. With every pulse, try to press your knees back about one inch.
Standing Hip Thrusts
Master the movement of your hips during girl-on-top with the help of this exercise. Being able to gain control over the angles and power your hips hold will help you hit your sensitive spots, earning yourself a stronger 'O'.
How to: Stand with one foot slightly in front of you and one slightly behind. Keep your toes facing forward and your knees slightly bent. Push your pelvis forward slowly, curving it under your hips, until you feel a mild stretch in your hips. Hold this position for 15 seconds and return to starting. Do this twice before switching sides.
This total-body move stems from your core strength, which is vital to the strength of your pelvic floor. Tightening your abs can help you move in a more controlled way during girl-on-top, but it can also intensify the strength of your pleasure.
How to: Stand with your feet together at one end of your mat and place one palm at a time on the mat. Walk your hands away from your feet until your body forms a straight line between the top of your head and your heels. Then walk your hands back to your feet and stand straight up to complete one rep.
Bulgarian Split Squats
With this move, practice keeping a rhythm so that your body is used to holding a steady pace. Finding a rhythm during sex is an expert-level tip that'll help you orgasm, so why not practice during your workout?
How to: Stand a few feet in front of a chair and rest one foot on the seat. Bend your front knee about 90 degrees into a squat, keeping the knee behind the toes and your shoulders stacked over your hips. Press up through the front heel to come back to standing position. Once you've fired up the muscles, switch to perform the move on the other side.
Stability Ball Roll-Ins
Strengthening your core with this move will prevent injury to your back during tricky on-top positions as your abs support all of your midsection. This move also targets upper body strength to help increase your endurance!
How to: Start in plank position with the tops of your feet on a stability ball. Use your core to pull your knees into your chest, rolling the ball toward your hands. Then, extend your legs and roll the ball back out to starting position.
Bridge Pose
Strengthen your pelvic floor to gain more control over your orgasm! Building your pelvic floor strength will help you experience stronger, more controlled orgasms.
How to: Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, knees bent, and heels down. Lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then return to the starting position. That's one rep!
Upward-Facing Dog
This move stretches the core and hip flexors to prevent stiffness, and it simultaneously strengthens the lower back, glutes and arms. Yogis also believe that this position increases blood flow and energy to your pelvic region, prepping your body for pleasure.
How to: Lie on your belly with your legs hip-distance apart and the tops of your feet on the floor. Position your hands to the sides of your chest, then press up to raise your torso all the way up. Keep your shoulders back and down to lengthen the movement. Hold the position for about 15 to 30 seconds, breathing through the move.