
‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 19 Recap: House Descends Into Chaos Before Shocking Live Eviction

The Big Brother 25 house is turned on its head when Cory and America begin to spill Cirie, Izzy and Felicia’s secrets all over the house – but who went home during the live eviction?

Chaos reigns in the Big Brother house as Felicia and Izzy both sit on the block paying for their sins of blindsiding Cameron – and if you think you know who’s going home…just wait. There’s a lot of drama to come before our Houseguests step into that diary room. And now we’re playing Big Brother! Episode 19 of BB 25 was SO good — let’s get into it!

We pick up after Jared declined to use the veto to save Felicia and Izzy in order to protect his mom Cirie from being put up as the replacement by Cameron – . Felicia’s feeling good. she’s expecting to be saved by Jared, Cirie, Blue, Meme and Matt, but what she doesn’t know is Cirie is actually hoping she goes home instead of Izzy. 

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Cory’s initially on board to keep Izzy too. He’s been close with her, Cirie and Jared since the beginning. But America is calling for Cory to wake up and realize it’s Izzy who is the bigger threat, and this is a pivotal moment to get her out of the game. And she’s not stopping there! She goes to CAMERON and basically beats him over the head with a truth hammer as to what’s really going on in the house – like his bestie Jared was trying to get him out the week before and that he’s secretly super tight with Cirie. Lightbulb on, this is Cameron 3.0 – he’s on board with getting Izzy out, but he can’t vote. So get to work, America.

Cue the mid-aughts style montage of America dropping truth bombs all over the house. Starting with Matt, who’s been super close to Cirie, she points out who is in the middle of the game being used as pawns and who is moving those pawns about their own personal chess board. And Matt at least seems to be listening; he tells America it was him who saved Jag a few weeks back with his power after he, Jag, Cory and Cirie played for it. And it’s THAT information that ends up being Cory’s wake-up call, because he didn’t know Cirie played for the power, and the fact that she told Matt and not him? Maybe Cory’s gf has a better read on the house than he was giving her credit for.

And thus, the house descends into chaos. Cory exposes what he knows about the 7 Deadly Sins and For Real, For Real to Jag, saying hey, isn’t it weird we’re both in almost the exact same alliance with Izzy, Cirie and Felicia? Jag – now also awoken – agrees they need to start playing the game for themselves – and that means blindsiding Izzy.

Bowie’s in immediately, and Meme wanted to take out the bigger threat in Izzy anyway, but the final holdout is Matt. Cory convinces Matt that while he’s close to Cirie, Cory also thought he was that close to Cirie, and they’re both being played in different alliances. Jag backs Cory up, too, and Matt — his mind is blown. He’s ready to play.

With that, we head to the live vote. Despite an impassioned plea to stay from Izzy, one by one the houseguests vote in their own self-interest for once — that’s new for this crew — and Izzy is voted out 8-1 – of course Cirie didn’t vote out her new daughter.

And I love a bitter exit! Izzy refuses to hug Cam and tells both him and Cory that she’ll be seeing them soon. She tells Julie that her biggest mistake in the game was trusting Cory and that she doesn’t regret not spilling Cirie and Jared’s secret to save herself — I would rethink both of those things, girl.

With Cirie, Felicia and Jared now stripped bare for the rest of the house – it’s time for the wall comp – and we’ll just have to see who wants this most. I can’t WAIT. Also, can’t wait to see how the jury shakes out because we’re going old school and returning to a seven-person jury instead of nine.

There’s a whole lot of game left to be played before jury, and I can’t wait to see what happens now that the house has WOKEN UP. Follow along here on PopCulture for the latest Big Brother updates!