'90 Day Fiance' Star Colt Johnson Reportedly Might Be Dating New Mystery Woman Just 2 Months After Divorce

90 Day Fiance star Colt Johnson reportedly might be dating a new mystery woman, just two months [...]

90 Day Fiance star Colt Johnson reportedly might be dating a new mystery woman, just two months after his divorce from Larissa Dos Santos Lima. Johnson filed the paperwork earlier this year, and the split was made official in April.

Now, In Touch is reporting that Johnson was recently spotted holding hands with someone who could be his new love interest.

The outlet also cites comments that were made online by someone claiming to be Johnson's new girlfriend as possible evidence.

Purportedly, the unidentified woman wrote, "We are together for a while and only now the news are out there. Who knows me knows that I'm chill and have good intentions."

"He makes me laugh and he's nice. We like the same movies and songs etc. etc.," the woman added

She is also attributed to a comment that read, "Wanna kiss girls? Do it. I'm with him because I want and because he wants."

At this time, Johnson does not appear to have confirmed whether or not he does in fact have a new girlfriend.

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It is no bad thing celebrating a simple life. Thanks for the memories.

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In January, Johnson and Lima were involved in a domestic violence situation with Lima ending up being arrested for assault, and Johnson soon filing for divorce afterward.

Johnson also started up his Instagram around that time and used it to express his feelings and what he was going through.

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I don’t understand my soon to be ex wife. She comes to America with literally nothing. The suitcases she used for travel I provided for her. On her arrival I already had clothes waiting for her to wear and everything she needed to start a basic life in America. Over the course of months I continued to provide for her, gave her shelter, food, and supported her wants and dreams. When she wanted a dress or makeup I bought it for her. When she wanted to take ESL classes I found a class for her and drove her. When she wanted to go to a gym I took her to every gym in town and eventually she joined two gyms simultaneously. When she needed a doctor, lawyer, therapist I would always do what I could for her. My sole mission since her arrival was to see that she was happy, taken care for and nurtured. When she wanted to start her business I gave her a thousand dollars just to start. Every time she was in trouble, I was there.

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There were questions of whether or not Lima would be deported after the arrest, but she recently claimed that she would not be.