'16 and Pregnant': Camryn Forced Back to Work After COVID-19 Causes Her Boyfriend to Lose His Job in an Exclusive Sneak Peek

With her due date rapidly approaching, pregnant 16-year-old Camryn is dealt another blow when [...]

With her due date rapidly approaching, pregnant 16-year-old Camryn is dealt another blow when boyfriend Cam loses his job amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In a PopCulture.com exclusive sneak peek of Tuesday's all-new 16 and Pregnant, the expectant teen tries to balance going back to work during the pandemic and preparing for a baby, all while finishing her schoolwork on time.

Even though her mother has safety concerns about her return to work, Camryn knows she has to step it up after learning Cam lost his job due to the coronavirus. "I don't know how we're gonna have the money to pay for the diapers and formula and everything like that," Cam wonders, pinning his hopes on a baby shower that was originally planned for the couple.

Working so late in her pregnancy during such stressful circumstances is "really tiring," Camryn admits to Cam after he breaks the bad news to her. All that is on top of the added load of schoolwork, which Camryn's teacher wants her to finish early in case her baby is born early. "It stresses me out really bad," she continues, "and it just adds onto whatever stress I have already."

Cam assures his girlfriend that he will file for unemployment, but Camryn is still more than concerned about money. "With my salary of $36 a day, it's not enough for us to pay for anything," she tells him. "And with the baby in two months, that only gives me $800 if I save everything. It's not gonna [be] enough money for all the things that we need."

That budget puts Cam and Camryn's dreams of getting their own place on hold, and when the shower gets rescheduled because of the virus, the mom-to-be is really worried she won't have what she needs for the baby. While her mom assures her that they'll have some kind of shower, it's clear Camryn is feeling overwhelmed, especially when she tells her mother that the doctor has put a limit of one person who will be able to be with her during the birth.

"I feel like it would kind of be rude to leave Cam at home and just have to send him pictures and him not be able to be there," she tells her mom, who is shocked that she wouldn't be able to accompany her minor daughter to the hospital. "Seeing you go through this, it's been really emotional for me," her mom explains. "You know, it's just been hard. 'Cause I know that you and Cam are really close, and I never wanna come into the middle of that, but I also wanna be there with you."

"You're my only daughter. You're the only person I get to do this with. This is it," she continues. "I worry about you and I feel like there is no stronger love in this world than the love that a mom has for her children. You're gonna find that out soon. You're gonna feel that and then you'll understand. The picture will be very clear." Will Camryn be able to make the right choice for her ahead of her delivery day? 16 and Pregnant airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on MTV. For more on the 16 and Pregnant franchise from PopCulture, click here.