'Big Brother' 20 Adds Major New Twist to Game

The Big Brother house is about to get a major change-up. In the last moments of Thursday's episode [...]

The Big Brother house is about to get a major change-up. In the last moments of Thursday's episode of the CBS reality competition, host Julie Chen announced that a new twist would be coming to the game — the Hacker Competition.

"It's time to expect the unexpected when it comes to the next big twist of the summer," she said, explaining, "Each week, one houseguest will win the power to secretly hack the game."

And while Chen teased that "anything can happen" when the twist comes into play Sunday, she left the Hacker Challenge cryptic until then.

The twist announcement came after a tense eviction ceremony, during which Rachel Swindler's own Level 6 alliance turned against her to send her home in a 5-4 vote after they accused her of "spiraling" and endangering their game.

Despite being assured that she would be safe as a pawn on the block beside Brett Robinson, Rachel was ushered out by people she once considered friends, leaving her tearful and shocked in the post-eviction interview with Chen.

"I don't know who I'm mad at," she said, voice shaking. "I don't know what's going on."

She added, "I hope Level 6 doesn't win. Screw them."

After Rachel stormed out of the house, the remaining houseguests competed in a GIF-themed memory challenge to replace Bayleigh Dayton as next week's Head of Household.

Angela Rummans emerged victorious from the game in a tie-breaker round, putting Level 6 back in power after a FOUTTE week.

Bayleigh's Power App, which allows her to knock another HOH's nominations off the block and replace them with her own, is also coming into play next week, making everyone a little more wary of making the feisty flight attendant mad.

But who will she put on the block? And who will Bayleigh swap them out for? Don't miss Sunday's new episode of Big Brother to learn the nominations and to learn more about the Hacker Competition.

Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET and Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. CBS All Access subscribers have access to the online live feed.

Photo credit: CBS
