
Watch A Boy Hilariously Get ‘Attacked’ By A Llama

An outrageously funny new video has surfaced on the Internet that will have you rolling on the […]

An outrageously funny new video has surfaced on the Internet that will have you rolling on the floor laughing.

A 19-second clip of a family spending time at the Tennessee Safari Park was uploaded by an Internet user named Jason Jensen on YouTube. The video shows what was likely meant to be a neat experience of interacting with the large llamas at the drive-through petting zoo. However, one of the youngsters was not too thrilled to be there. In fact, he was utterly terrified.

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At the beginning of the video, the man holding the camera shows one of the young boys up front feeding a llama by holding his cup of feed outside the window. Seconds later, a kid can be heard screaming at the top of his lungs from the backseat.

When the camera pans around to the back, an enormous llama can be seen with its entire head through the window of the car.

“Honey it’s in the car and Trey is underneath it!” the mom said.

The llama seems unfazed by the kid’s incessant squalling and proceeds to eat the food from the small cup that the boy is fearfully holding over his torso. The man holding the camera, who is likely the boy’s father, found his son’s unnecessary panicking absolutely hilarious as he laughed hysterically before taking the cup away from the kid.

“Take away the bucket from him!” one of the passengers yelled at letting the kid in the backseat “suffer” for long enough.

The video made its way onto Reddit and the site absolutely exploded with users commented on the clip.

“I love how Dad is just laughing at him,” blue_27 wrote. “There’s a reason that kid’s in the back seat, and his brother is up front.”

“That kid is too old to be crying like that because of a llama,” therobotjeff wrote. “Unless he has like a deep rooted fear of llamas in which case it was hilarious that the parents took him to this place.”

“Poor kid. This video will probably be played at every family get together,” Lamarg33 said.

Check out the hilarious video above.

How would you have reacted if you were the little boy in this video?

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[H/T Reddit]