Rob Kardashian's Fiance Tweeted Out His Phone Number On Purpose

Usually, when celebrities' phone numbers get leaked to the public, it's due to the nefarious [...]

Usually, when celebrities' phone numbers get leaked to the public, it's due to the nefarious actions of hackers or an accident, but not in this case. Blac Chyna tweeted out her on-again-off-again boyfriend Rob Kardashian's phone number on purpose.

(Photo: NY Mag)

The pregnant model sent the tweet to her 674,000 followers so that the father of her child would have to get a new number. She explained her reasoning on SnapChat.

"To assure your man is not texting no b---hes, just tweet his number out. How's that feel Rob? How ya feel?...Get your number changed, thank you," she said, while he stood next to her, E! News reports.

Apparently, Kardashian had been receiving a lot of texts questioning his relationship status after rumors spread that the parents-to-be had broken up.

"To all these females wanna keep texting his phone 'cause they had his number before, talking about 'you good? You and Chyna good?' Naw, we good. We good. We straight. All right," she clarified.

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