Hungry Thief Leaves Apology Note After Breaking Into A Car To Steal A Kit Kat

One hangry thief broke into a car parked outside the dorms at Kansas State University. It was all [...]

One hangry thief broke into a car parked outside the dorms at Kansas State University. It was all for the sake of a Kit Kat, but at least he left an apology note.

Hunter Jobbins left his unlocked car for just a few minutes. Inside the vehicle's cup holder was a Kit Kat bar, just waiting to be eaten. And when the anonymous thief spotted it he sprung into action.

Oddly enough, the thief had time to pen an apology letter on a napkin.

"Saw Kit Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door, and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than Kit Kat. I am sorry and hungry," the thief wrote.

Jobbins posted the photo of the apology note along with brief explanation of what happened to Twitter and it quickly went viral, amassing almost a half-million likes and over 174,000 retweets.

Thankfully, Kit Kat heard about the incident and told Jobbins that if he shot them a DM they'd be happy to replace the stolen candy.

"Who steals someone's Kit Kat?! WHO DOES THAT?! Shoot us a DM and we'll replace it for you," Kit Kat wrote.

What an intense story, I mean, give me a break.

[ H/T E Online ]