David Arquette and Courteney Cox Break Their Silence Following the Death of Alexis Arquette

Thank you all for your love and kind words about Alexis. My hero for eternity [...]

Alexis Arquette's family is speaking out after the death of the Hollywood actor, according to E! News.

David Arquette posted on Twitter expressing his love for his sibling.

"Thank you all for your love and kind words about Alexis," he shared on social media. "My hero for eternity."

Shortly after, Courteney Cox expressed her condolences to the family with a sweet message.

"My heart goes out to anyone who was lucky enough to know Alexis," she wrote. "We will love and miss you forever."

The Arquette family released a statement regarding Alexis' death, Buzzfeed reported:

Our sister, Alexis Arquette, passed away this morning, September 11th, 2016. … Her career was cut short, not by her passing, but by her decision to live her truth and her life as a transgender woman...She fiercely lived her reality in a world where it is dangerous to be a trans person — a world largely unready to accept differences among human beings, and where there is still the ugliness of violence and hostility towards people that we may not understand.

Alexis was born as Robert, our brother. We loved him the moment he arrived. As Alexis transitioned into being a woman, she taught us tolerance and acceptance. As she moved through her process, she became our sister, teaching us what real love is. We learned what real bravery is through watching her journey of living as a trans woman. We came to discover the one truth — that love is everything...

Alexis always had to do everything first. She left before we were ready to let her go. We are all heartbroken that she is no longer with us, but we are grateful for the grace and kindness we were all shown during this difficult time. We are comforted by the fact that Alexis came into our family and was our brother and then our sister, and that she gave us so much love. We will love you always, Alexis. We know we were the lucky ones."

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Arquette family at this time.

This article originally appeared on our sister site, womanista.com.